Patients at a city hospital in Russia showed terrible conditions in their wards

12 October 2023
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There is no heating, people sleep on boards and wash with cold water.

Today, a video about the conditions in the Central District Hospital of the city of Chaplygin went viral on the Internet. Patients sleep on worn-out mattresses laid on boards. There is no hot water or heating in the room.

Local parliamentarian Anatoly Emelyanov said that he had prepared a parliamentary request on the situation in the Central District Hospital:

The appeal on social networks has just arrived. I am now sending the corresponding parliamentary appeals to Roszdravnadzor, the Lipetsk Region Health Department and the prosecutor’s office for an inspection. We rely on the prosecutor's office, which will check how well the services are provided and whether all the required conditions have been created. What we see - boards, cots - is, of course, blatant! I hope the relevant authorities will sort it out.

The hospital administration did not comment on the video and stated that the management was not there.

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