In India, a leopard snuck into a courthouse and attacked people

12 February 2023
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The predatory cat injured six people who were at the court session at that moment.

Wild animals in India regularly visit settlements. Just recently, a large leopard snuck into the Ghaziabad District Court in Uttar Pradesh and entered the courtroom. His appearance caused panic among those present, and there was not a drop of respect for the judges in the behavior of the wild cat.

According to media reports, one man who managed to knock down a leopard in an attempt to detain him was almost mauled by him. The animal was caught only four hours after the attack. Animal welfare officials tranquilized the leopard and placed it in a cage to take it to Bannerghatta Nature Park.

The assistant police commissioner told India Today that six people were injured in the leopard attack. Three of them were hospitalized.

This is not the first attack of wild animals on people. On January 22, near Khoralahalli, a leopard killed a 60-year-old man, and two days later, in the same area, the torn body of an 11-year-old boy was found in the bushes. Meanwhile, India continues to cut down forests - the natural habitats of leopards and other animals. Wildlife experts are sounding the alarm. In their opinion, the reduction of forest areas makes the meeting of people and animals inevitable. With predictable results.

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