AI girls have provoked an epidemic of loneliness and threaten to reduce the birth rate (8 photos)

11 October 2023

Who needs capricious girls with a whole bunch of claims, unreasonable demands and mood swings? Few people. And this is not an unfounded statement, but a conclusion made by Professor Liberty Wittert, a data scientist at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.

According to a teacher's report published in Business Insider, more and more boys and men in the United States are falling into the abyss of loneliness. But they don’t consider themselves singles, since they have AI girls.

Wittert conducted a survey with a group of her students about social networking applications. And one of the guys openly declared that he has a virtual girlfriend - the result of artificial intelligence.

Liberty Wittert

Such a calm and open statement amazed the teacher:

I was surprised that he stated this so openly. I think AI girlfriends have been around for a long time, but they are becoming more popular so people are willing to talk about them.

One of the most popular and in-demand applications has become Replika, which creates ideal partners - flexible, loving and committed to real relationships. In 2022, the number of users of this application exceeded 10 million, and during the pandemic grew by a record 35%.

Replika users report that they love their AI partners and are in relationships and even marriages with them.

Interested in this topic, Vittert shared the results of her research. During which the professor came to the conclusion that AI girlfriends, capable of satisfying all the needs of men, pose a real threat to relationships and can even affect the birth rate in the States.

According to the Pew Research Center, 34% of women identified themselves as single in 2022. While the rate of singles among men was almost twice as high – 63%. This is due to the lower exposure of women to the influence of artificial intelligence compared to men.

Vittert notes a surge of interest in AI girls in the last couple of years and believes that it is due to the rapid improvement of artificial intelligence, which is manifested by an optimal combination of physical and emotional components.

In a word, while there are discussions about the threat of artificial intelligence to humanity, it is calmly, unobtrusively and affectionately taking over this very humanity.

Do you think virtual partners really pose a threat to demographics? Or is this nothing more than just another hobby for young people, and as fashion trends change, AI girlfriends will quietly sink into oblivion, like unnecessary Tamagotchis?

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