Calls that no one will answer. Thunderstorm, October 5, 2023

8 October 2023

Phone numbers of those killed in the village of Groza, whom relatives are trying to reach.

According to the latest data, 51 people became victims of Russian shelling. Previously it was reported about 55 - this is erroneous information.

A targeted strike on a cafe in the village of Groza was carried out by an Iskander missile from the territory of the Russian Federation.

DNA testing will be needed to identify some of the dead - the bodies are too badly damaged. Among the dead is an eight-year-old boy (previously the death of a six-year-old child was reported). The head of the regional administration, Oleg Sinegubov, also said that a family with a two-year-old child could be in the building.

Three village residents are listed as missing. Six wounded were hospitalized. From October 6 to October 8, mourning has been declared in the Kharkov region.

At the time of the missile strike on the rural café-shop, a funeral service for the fallen military man was taking place inside. He was reburied in his native village; after his death at the front, he was buried in the Dnieper. In total, 60 people were at the scene of the impact. The son and wife of a military man, who was remembered in the cafe, also died.

According to the prosecutor's office, a total of 100 people lived in the village at the time of the strike. That is, half the population was killed.

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