A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 84

14 January 2023

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

A powerful explosion occurred on the gas pipeline that connects Latvia and Lithuania

The orcs fired at another strategic location. Kherson maternity hospital

Something crazy happened here in temporarily occupied Berdyansk

A car is on fire in the outskirts of the city.

Locals admit that there could have been sabotage. We are waiting for details.

Russian media reported that in occupied Berdyansk the car of the so-called head of the occupation administration of the region, Alexei Kichigin, exploded. The traitor remained alive.

Ugledar, Donetsk region

While everyone is closely monitoring the situation in Bakhmut and Soledar, look at what the creatures did in Ugledar, Donetsk region.

Kherson. Katsap nits fired at maternity hospital 1, located in the city center

Head of OVA Yanushevich.

A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 84

Previously, everyone is alive and unharmed.

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