He hit a child in the yard of the house and fled the scene of the accident

23 September 2023
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On September 19, in one of the courtyards of Omsk on Architects Boulevard, a driver in a VAZ-21074 hit a 9-year-old boy and fled the scene. A criminal case has been opened.

The driver was detained; he turned out to be a 16-year-old teenager. Previously, he had not come to the attention of law enforcement agencies and was not registered. It turned out that the minor bought a car on a free classifieds website for 50 thousand rubles and planned to resell it in the future. From time to time, the teenager, without his parents' permission, drove a Zhiguli.

“The driver fled the scene, subsequently explaining his actions as a state of shock. On Vzletnaya Street he abandoned the car, took off the license plates and hid it in the luggage compartment. Some time later, the young man decided to return to the scene of the accident,” the police said.

The injured child is now in intensive care. Doctors assess his condition as serious.

Six administrative protocols were drawn up for the minor driver and he was placed on preventive registration.

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