russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 18-20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Mysterious F-35 crash in the USA.

A United States Marine Corps (USMC) F-35B fighter jet crashed, the pilot managed to eject from the plane.

BUT the plane was not found, since the F-35B was put on autopilot before ejecting.

The USMC's F-35B, a 5th generation fighter costing about $135 million per aircraft, could not be found because "the aircraft's transponder was not operational at the time of the incident."

In a statement posted on social media, Joint Base Charleston asked the public to contact the base if anyone has information about the whereabouts of the aircraft after the "incident" on Sunday."

"Please call the JB Charleston Base Defense Operations Center at 843-963-3600."


The wreckage of a US Marine Corps F-35B Joint Strike Fighter missing since yesterday has been found in a field about 70 miles north of Charleston, South Carolina.

- New record for Chinese military activity around Taiwan

Today, 103 aircraft and nine ships were seen around the island, with 40 aircraft crossing the median line of the strait.

- Head of Military Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR) Budanov:

Ukraine is working on a strategy of “deterrence and retaliation” in case of renewed attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure in winter.

«Let them begin. They will also receive an answer."

The war in Ukraine will not end with a parade of the Armed Forces in Moscow.

Ukrainian forces may still have time to cut the Russian land corridor to occupied Crimea before the onset of winter.

- Zelensky:

Ukraine is going to powerfully break through Russia's defenses. I know where we're going to do it.

You can't rest at the front. Even despite the bad weather. We must not give Putin any rest.

Forget about the weather, etc. We fly in places where armored vehicles cannot travel. If we can't fly, we'll send drones.

We must liberate our territory as much as possible and move forward, even if it is less than (half a mile) or (hundreds of) meters, we must do it.

Zelensky admits that progress in the counteroffensive is slow, but, according to him, troops continue to advance.

- Polish Minister of Agriculture Robert Telus:

Poland will block Ukraine's accession to the EU if the issue of grain exports is not resolved.

- An unknown drone with a bomb crashed off the Bulgarian coast.

Bulgarian National Radio reports that the drone crashed into rocks near the village of Tyulenovo, 70 km from the border with Romania and across the sea from Crimea.

- The Ukrainian government has dismissed all deputy ministers of defense and the department's secretary of state.

- Photos of the destroyed Russian Kilo-class submarine "Rostov-on-Don" (B-237) in Sevastopol on September 13 after the Ukrainian strike.

- South Korea will send 2 K600 Rhino mine clearance vehicles to Ukraine.

- Tank Leopard 1A5 somewhere in Ukraine

- Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak was criticized after the disclosure of “top secret” weapons. documents about armedforces of the country for the election campaign.

The declassified documents indicated a plan for a large-scale retreat of the Polish Army across the Vistula River in the event of a Russian invasion; in total, in the event of an invasion, it was planned to surrender 40% of the territories of Poland.

It is indirectly indicated that in 2011 NATO forces took up to 14 days to deploy an international military contingent on Polish territory and begin resisting the Russian invasion. At this time, the Polish Army had to independently restrain the enemy, gaining time.

When simulating similar combat operations in 2020 during the Winter-20 staff exercises, Disappointing results were obtained: on the fifth day of the virtual conflict, “the enemy was on the Vistula line, battles were going on for Warsaw, strategic ports were blocked or captured. "

As a result of the exercises, Polish aviation and navy were destroyed, despite NATO support.

The election campaign in Poland continues ahead of parliamentary elections on October 15 and a four-question referendum.

Voters will be asked whether they approve of the privatization of state-owned enterprises, raising the retirement age, accepting immigrants under the EU resettlement mechanism and removing the barrier on Poland's border with Belarus.

- Another Leopard 1A5 tank in Ukraine, but with a camouflage net.

- The United States Marine Corps (USMC) has issued a two-day grounding order for “all aviation units.” both “within and without” USA after the disappearance of the F-35B fighter.

- Turkish President Erdogan:

I have no reason not to trust (Putin). Russia can be trusted just like the West.

For 50 years the EU has kept us waiting at its door. Now I trust Russia as much as I trust the West.

Turkish President Erdogan on the Russian-Ukrainian war:

It is absolutely obvious that this war will be long and will not end soon.

We want to be very reassuring. Mr. Putin actually advocates ending this war as soon as possible.

I say this only from his words, Mr. Putin wants this war to end as soon as possible. He said so, and I believe his words.

Only two leaders can say how long the war will last.

- Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev during a meeting with the Chinese Wang Yi:

Moscow supports Beijing on the issues of Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong, which the West uses to discredit China.

- First results of the meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine at the US Ramstein Air Base in Germany:

Denmark will transfer another 45 tanks to Ukraine. (30 Leopard-1 tanks and 15 T-72 tanks)

Also, a batch of American Abrams tanks will soon arrive in Ukraine.

- Disagreements between Poland and Ukraine

The meeting between Zelensky and Duda in New York has been cancelled.

Dude about the grain crisis:

There are business circles that have interests in Ukraine and want to sell grain as quickly as possible and at the lowest possible price. We must protect ourselves from this.

A drowning person is extremely dangerous because he can be dragged to the depths... He can simply drown the rescuer.

It would be good if Ukraine remembered that it receives help from us and that we are also a transit country for Ukraine.

- Zelensky:

Ukraine and the USA are “at the finish line” for ATACMS supplies.

- A Russian Su-34 fighter crashed in the Voronezh region in the morning, the crew ejected and evacuated.

- Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR):

Unknown saboteurs blew up two planes and a helicopter near Moscow. They were significantly damaged on September 18, 2023Oh yeah.

An unknown group planted explosives and blew up An-148 and Il-20 aircraft (both belonging to the 354th Special Purpose Aviation Regiment) at the airfield, which is carefully guarded, as well as a Mi-28N helicopter, which actively participated in shooting down the drone over Moscow region.

- Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki on the grain crisis with Ukraine:

I warn the Ukrainian authorities that if there is an escalation of the conflict, we will add more products under a ban on import into Poland.

- French portal Intelligence Online:

Ukraine and France are discussing the possibility of transferring Mirage 2000 fighter jets from the French Air Force to Ukraine.

The parties are already close to concluding such an agreement.

- The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that a car with Russian peacekeepers was fired upon in Karabakh, and the servicemen were killed.

At least eight Russian soldiers were killed. The Ministry of Defense did not provide an exact figure.

- Photo from a close angle of the Russian Su-34 that crashed today in the Voronezh region.

The fighter had to be abandoned due to landing gear failure, the source says.

- Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki:

Warsaw has stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine as it is actively arming itself.

Ukraine is defending itself from a brutal attack by Russia, and I understand the situation, but as I said, we are defending our country.

We are no longer transferring weapons to Ukraine, because we are now arming Poland.

- The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suspended the Speaker of the Defense Forces, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, for “inappropriate statements.”

Coming to Ukraine to report on refugees, Ashton-Cirillo ended up fighting for Ukraine and becoming a spokesman for the country's territorial defense forces.

A trans woman, she told AFP in a recent interview that she had learned to "accept the hatred of the Russians" who ridiculed her gender identity.

It is unclear what specific statements prompted her removal.

- The ex-head of the Kherson OVA Laguta was found dead, details have appeared:

On September 16, his body was discovered. garages in Solomensky district of Kyiv. The police opened a criminal investigation into possible suicide. Some argue that Laguta "passed" Kherson to the Russians, but he himself went into hiding, and it seems that this is what led to suicide.

- Kadyrov could have been poisoned, – NSDC Secretary Danilov.

Perhaps there was repeated poisoning, and complications developed on the kidneys. The Russians could do this. Kadyrov's death may affect internal politics. processes in the Russian Federation. It will weaken one of the warring factions in the Kremlin.

One for all and all for one 🤡

- Infographics: what is the cause of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Now there are active hostilities there, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces claim that they have destroyed several air defense and electronic warfare systems of the Armenian Armed Forces.

- Rusnia abandoned the Armenians, where is the CSTO? Where are the peacekeepers?

The words and promises of Russians are not worth the paper they are written on.

Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry stated that the only path to peace in the region is the complete withdrawal of the Armenian military from Karabakh.

only no one saw them, they probably got lost somewhere 🤡

- the Russian Federation transfers to Azerbaijan the coordinates of all positions of equipment of the Armenian Armed Forces in Karabakh, and Russian peacekeepers left their positions – Armenian newspaper "Haykakan Zhamanak".

Meanwhile, Medvedev wroteHe said that Moscow will not support Pashinyan and has already passed a “sentence” on him.

Did anyone expect anything different from the Russian “peacekeepers”?

- First to go: Ukraine has become closer to unblocking ports for all types of exports

The first ship loaded with grain left the Ukrainian port – Turkish bulk carrier RESILIENT AFRICA.

This is a breakthrough, indicating that Ukraine is capable of providing the world with food without the participation of the Russian Federation and the humiliating grain agreement, as well as unblocking its ports for all types of products.

This ship passed through a temporary sea corridor created by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Armed Forces. Previously, it was assumed that ships that had been in our ports since 2022 would first pass through this corridor.

Now, however, this route is used as a maritime transport corridor, and ships already sail along it in both directions. This means that Ukraine is one step closer to completely unblocking its ports for all cargo, and will be able to ensure its economic security.

- Poland will stop helping Ukrainian refugees from 2024, – government spokesman Müller.

This includes eliminating residency requirements and providing work permits, free access to schools, health care and family benefits.

- The meeting between Zelensky and Duda in New York has been canceled – Rzeczpospolita.

Duda said that she was excluded from the agenda due to a change in meeting hours and did not rule out that the meeting with Zelensky would take place later.

- Why the liberation of Klishchievka and Andreevka – proof of the strategic success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces?

Experts call taking these n.p. and successes in the areas northwest of Bakhmut are “achievements of strategic importance.” The defense and offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction help to record a lot of Russian combat power here, which would be available to strengthen the enemy’s defense in southern Ukraine.

In addition, Klishchievka and Andreevka – these are important elements of Russian. the Bakhmut-Gorlovka defense line, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces broke through. The liberation will allow our forces to control Russian land lines supplying the enemy in Bakhmut. It is likely that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to establish fire control on the T0513 Bakhmut-Gorlovka highway.

- Karabakh comes under the control of Azerbaijan.

It is reported that the “Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army” will be disbanded and disarmed.

- Azerbaijan achieved all goals during the day of the operation in Karabakh and restored its sovereignty, – President Aliyev.

- Interesting opinion about a one-day war

- Why are you doing this?

- “Russia’s representative at the UN Nebenzya fears that I quote “Zelensky will hit me with a hammer during the meeting.” The circus at the UN continues.”

- No Nazism: only strong Russian chauvinism

CSTO – lonely dictators who are afraid.

- A normal day in the Azerbaijani media

- And the “Troll of the Year” award goes to this gentleman

A scientist from Belarus encrypted the phrase “Die, Putler.” No war" in a scientific article — and published it in a magazine published by MGIMO

Associate professor at Charles University in the Czech Republic Ilya Lemeshkin in December 2022 wrote a scientific article “How many books did F. Skorina publish in Prague”, dedicated to the Renaissance figure Francis Skorina, who was born in the territory of modernnew Belarus.

In his work, Lemeshkin encrypted an acrostic poem. If you add up the first letters of each paragraph of the article, you get the phrase “Die Putler.” No war. I. L. The scientist himself told the Belarusian publication “Salidarnasts” about this.

«The acrostic poem was not invented by Francis Skorina. It was used back in the Middle Ages, often in order to hide authorship. <...> During Skaryna’s time, the situation had already changed; acrostics were used as a marker with which they proved their education. <...> Skorina was the first to use acrostics in a printed book among the Eastern Slavs,” — explained the scientist.

On the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Lemeshkin sent an article to the magazine “Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture,” which is published by MGIMO. In June 2023, it was published on the magazine’s website. But Lemeshkin didn’t tell me about the acrostic right away — he waited until the printed edition of the magazine was distributed to libraries, so that it would be more difficult to withdraw.

The scientist, according to him, chose the journal “Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture” for publication, since this publication adheres to a pro-Putin position. He also wanted to suggest a way to speak out: “I wanted to remind readers in Russia and Belarus that there is an exquisite remedy. It helps to express a position even under a totalitarian regime.”

According to the scientist, after the publication of the article, he received a letter from a reader from Russia who saw his acrostic and responded to him in the same way, thanking him for the publication.

- Russia is a country of opportunities

History textbook 11th grade :)

- A guide for Russians on how to get to Europe legally

- The Russian government ordered 230 thousand certificates for family members of those killed in the war

- The reaction of the z-public to the asshole who blew up a grenade in the courtyard of the house. Run away from here, who else can

- History of Russia 11th grade continues to amaze with its deception

- Meme

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