russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 11-12

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
13 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Head of the Israeli Mossad David Barney:

In addition to UAVs, Iran intends to provide Russia with short- and long-range missiles.

In response, the Russian Federation may transfer weapons to Iran that could “jeopardize the existence of Israel.”

We fear that the Russians will give the Iranians in return what they lack, modern weapons that will certainly threaten our peace and perhaps even our existence here.

- South Korea turns to Turkey for cooperation in the field of UAVs

South Korea plans to cooperate with Turkey, whose experience and knowledge it trusts.

Turkish President Erdogan and South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol discussed ways to expand their defense industry partnership, focusing on UAVs, military transport aircraft and other weapons.

Erdogan said the defense industry partnership should expand to include UAVs, military aircraft and armored vehicles.

South Korea is expected to master UAV technology and operational skills based on Turkey's experience and knowledge in this field.

- VSJ:

Ukrainian pilots can begin combat use of the F-16 as early as February 2024.

The first pilots with a good command of English can be trained in five months. It is noted that this is an assessment of the Ukrainian side.

The first group of fewer than 10 people is expected to begin training at Morris Air National Guard Base in Tucson, Arizona. They were the first to switch to the F-16.

At the same time, dozens of Ukrainian pilots will begin learning English at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

The American side is more restrained in its forecasts. F-16s require approximately 16 hours of maintenance on the ground for every hour the vehicle is in the air.

Training technicians can be more difficult than training pilots.

- Training firing of Russian T-55A tanks in service with the 1430th motorized rifle regiment

In service since 1948.

Much older than Putin.

- The German government has instructed Rheinmetall to supply another 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine.

The total number of "Marders" received by Ukraine will reach 80.

- Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) reports that Ukraine has liberated oil and gas drilling platforms off the coast of Crimea in the Black Sea, Boyka Towers.

Russia occupied them in 2015, and with the start of a full-scale invasion, used them for military purposes.

In particular, as helipads and for placing radar equipment.

- Petr Khodovalets, Ukraine, Drilling platforms "Tavrida" and "Sivash" liberated by Ukrainian troops in the Black Sea

- Elon Musk:

I am a US citizen and only have this passport. No matter what happens, I will fight for America and die in it.

The US Congress did not declare war on Russia. If anyone is a traitor, it is those who call me that.

Please tell them this very clearly.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky:

«Counterattack» — This is not a movie with a happy ending, we won't have a happy ending, we've lost a lot of people.

There will be no happy ending, we must admit it.

Putin's goal — to restore the Soviet Union, so his plans include only freezing the conflict.

I believe that those who want to talk to this man in the Kremlin are “deceiving themselves,” like the Western leaders who signed an agreement with Hitler in Munich in 1938 only to see himrushes to Czechoslovakia.

If Trump becomes US President, he will not support Putin.

If we are abandoned, I don’t know how millions of Ukrainian refugees will react, this is a “bad story” for Europe.

The war will continue as long as Russia remains on the territory of Ukraine.

- Poland approves a framework agreement for the acquisition of 486 M142 HIMARS launcher components for the HOMAR-A system worth approximately $10 billion with the United States.

Delivery is expected to begin in 2025.

Together with the previously ordered launchers, the Polish Army will have 500 HIMARS launchers at its disposal.

As part of Homar-A, Lockheed Martin is working with Polish industry to integrate key components of the HIMARS missile launcher onto the Jelcz 6x6 truck.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba on Germany’s possible supplies of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine:

You will do it anyway, I don’t understand why we are wasting time.

- Russian renegade collaborator and propagandist Gennady Dubovoy mysteriously died today in Donetsk.

He was hit by an unknown car.

Dubovoy has been fighting against the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014, when he joined the pro-Russian separatists.

He is called one of the ideologists of Novorossiya.

Fought against Ukraine in Mariupol and Severodonetsk.

- Reuters:

The Biden administration is close to approving the supply of long-range missiles with cluster bombs to Ukraine.

- German Defense Minister Pistorius said that Berlin will not automatically supply Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles if the United States decides to supply Ukraine with long-range ATACMS systems.

- Bloomberg:

The US Congress calls for an investigation into Elon Musk's actions in Ukraine in the situation with the Starlink outage off the coast of Crimea.

US Senator Elizabeth Warren:

Congress must investigate what happened and determine whether we have adequate tools to ensure that foreign policy is led by the government, not one billionaire.

Putin calls Elon Musk “an outstanding person, an active and talented businessman.”

"Musk is doing a lot in the space sector, including with the support of the American state."

- Sweden will ask the Armed Forces to study the possibility of sending Gripen fighters to Ukraine.

- Der Spiegel:

Germany has increased imports of Russian oil by 12 times: the scheme works through India.

Because of the war in Ukraine, Germany stopped direct imports of oil from Russia.

But now the material appears to be arriving in a roundabout way.

Beneficiaries: Indian billionaires and Russian investors.

- British training of Ukrainian troops has been cut following noise complaints.

The Army has cut the amount of training offered to Ukrainian troops at a military base in Kent after neighbors complained about the "boom boom" training shooting.

The UK Ministry of Defense heeded the request and agreed to limit noise and reduce the number of exercises by 30%.

- The monument to the Hero of Ukraine Alexander Matsievsky was erected in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Macijewski was executed by Russian troops after he said “Glory to Ukraine!”

He received the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously in 2023.

Matsievsky was a native of Moldova, a member of the Ukrainian Ground Forces and a prisoner executed by Russian soldiers during the Battle of Bakhmut during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late December 2022.

- Russian tactical bomber Su-24MR disappeared from radars in VolgogRada region.

- CNN with reference to American officials:

Biden will soon make a final decision on sending ATACMS missiles to Ukraine.

The State Department and the Pentagon recommended transferring ATACMS to the White House after months of requests from Ukraine.

They believe that this can help the Ukrainian Armed Forces achieve decisive progress in the counter-offensive.

- Another rumor about the accident of the Chinese nuclear submarine (NPS) Type 093

New rumors have spread in the Taiwanese media that an explosion occurred on board the submarine Long March-15 type 093 (Shang class) of the Northern Fleet of the PLA Navy, which resulted in the death of the crew.

It is reported that the boat was not in the Taiwan Strait, but in the Yellow Sea. It was used to test underwater weapons.

The prerequisite for further inflating the topic with the submarine was the appearance of information that its crew was supposed to arrive home in early September for a short vacation, but their families never saw them.

Taiwanese media once again turned to the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense for comments. Deputy Chief of the Intelligence Bureau of the Taiwanese General Staff, Major General Huang Wenqi, stated:

«Regarding media reports that an accidental explosion occurred on a Chinese Type 093 nuclear submarine, I would like to inform everyone that this kind of information has a high degree of secrecy. As for the details and information that the Ministry of Defense has, due to its high confidentiality, we will not disclose it here.”

Another clue was that the US Air Force radiological monitoring aircraft WC-135R (registration number 64-14831) continued to operate in the suspected area of the Chinese submarine disaster.

On September 6, the plane took off into the airspace over the East China and Yellow Seas to monitor background radiation.

- Russia has concentrated more than 420 thousand soldiers in the occupied territories of Ukraine, - GUR.

It looks like this:

▪️420,000 personnel.

▪️2260 tanks (15-20% T-54/62 tanks);

▪️5260 armored fighting vehicle;

▪️3050 artillery systems;

▪️920 MLRS;

▪️46 OTRK;

▪️360 aircraft;

▪️320 helicopters;

▪️64 ships/boats;

▪️5 submarines.

- I hope to convince Biden to give us ATACMS this fall, – Zelensky.

▪️Reznikov was fired not because of the theft of funds from international partners, this is a Ukrainian matter.

▪️Victory – This is not only to liberate the territory of Ukraine, but also to prevent the Russian Federation from attacking other countries – Baltic, Poland.

▪️Corruption cases in Ukraine are not associated with the help of Western partners. These are Ukrainian cases and Ukrainian money.

- Today in Russia, the mayor of Dnieper Filatov was arrested in absentia.

This is what their “struggle” looks like, and we also don’t have a city like Dnepropetrovsk, morons 🤡

- Infographics: what political events and decisions await Ukraine in the fall.

Previously, Zelensky announced a “powerful” September and busy autumn for Ukraine. We are talking about international events and domestic political decisions.

- Kim Jong-un arrived in Russia. What you should know:

▪️He was traveling to Vladivostok on his armored train. On September 12-13, he will probably meet with Putin.

▪️The main topic of the meeting will, of course, be a discussion of weapons. Western media previously wrote that North Korea could offer Putin supplies of artillery shells and anti-tank missiles.

▪️North Korea has one of the largest reserves of ammunition for Soviet-era weapons used by the Russian Federation. Their transfer will not radically change the situation on the battlefield, but will help the Russian Federation fight longer by attrition.

▪️At the same time, such a step speaks of how the Russian Federation was depleting its own weapons reserves.

- Planes are starting to crash in the Russian Federation due to sanctions.

Flights are canceled due to technical problems. On August 12, one aircraft made an emergency landing in a field, and the secondRosto was not allowed out of the airport. And yesterday an Airbus 320 returned to the airport due to a malfunction of the flaps.

- In the swamps minus the Su-24.

- Crimea today

- This is different

- What sanctions do you propose?

- It’s hard for a late person to live with bipolar

- New names of stores of Western brands in Moscow

- In 1943, Reich Minister of Armaments Albert Speer said: “A protracted war will be won through miracle weapons.” Nazi propaganda talked about the Wunderwaffe right up to the very last days of Nazi Germany.

- Funny meme about the tires that Russians use to protect their planes

- The phrase “I need your clothes” sparkled with new colors

- Yesterday, 2 volunteers of the humanitarian organization Road to Relief died during Russian shelling near Chashi Yar. Two more people were injured

«As they drove through Chasov Yar, their car was attacked by Russian troops. As a result of a direct hit, the car overturned and caught fire,” — says the organization’s statement, which was drawn to the attention of Meduza.

There were four people in the car; they were driving from Slavyansk in the direction of Bakhmut. The newspaper El Mundo writes that 32-year-old citizen Emma Igual was killed as a result of the shelling. The second dead — volunteer from Canada Anthony Ignat.

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