Horrifying stampede at a school in Kazakhstan caught on video

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
13 September 2023

Alarming footage from Kazakhstan has appeared online. A stampede occurred in one of the schools in the city of Kokshetau. Fortunately, none of the children were hurt.

After classes, 700 students rushed to the dressing room at the same time. Primary school students were nearly injured in the pandemonium. Some fell under the pressure and could not get up.

By the way, the school where the high-profile incident occurred has 2,866 students, but the school’s design capacity is only 1,440 places.

After the incident, the education department of the Akmola region conducted an internal investigation, as a result of which it was decided to punish the management of the educational institution.

“It was established that this fact occurred at the end of school hours, when all classes came out of the classrooms into the school corridor at the same time. Currently, the school administration has adjusted the schedule, the schedule for students to take breaks and leave classes. The school management, which did not take the necessary measures in a timely manner , brought to disciplinary liability,” the department said.

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