Vandalism and other surprises from visitors to the Tajikistan folk crafts fair in Astana

13 September 2023

In Astana, as part of the Days of Culture of Tajikistan in Kazakhstan, an exhibition-fair of national dishes, agricultural, industrial and other products from Tajikistan was recently held. Most of the visitors behaved with dignity, but there were people who decided to take part of the exhibition with them.

Vegetables, fruits and decorations were supposed to please the eye for several days.

The head of the city, Zhenis Kasymbek, commented on the behavior of individual visitors to the exhibition-fair:

“As you know, as part of the Culture Days of Tajikistan last weekend, an exhibition-fair of agricultural, industrial products and folk crafts was held at the EXPO Square. More than 1,000 tons of products were sold at the fair. But, unfortunately, there were cases of property damage, some of ours citizens broke awnings, counters, decorations. There were also cases of violation of public order. This is an indicator of low culture, devaluation of other people's work.

Due to the actions of some people, a shadow has fallen on all residents of Astana. I would like to emphasize that the exhibition-fair was visited by about 100 thousand people and most of the townspeople behaved culturally. For which I express my gratitude to them."

“The head of state pointed out the need to take effective measures to ensure the safety of residents of the capital and prevent the increasing incidence of vandalism and offenses on the streets of Astana. The police were instructed to identify those who committed acts of vandalism and violations of public order. Violators will be held accountable,” the akim added .

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