The bull decided to punish the man who grabbed him by the horns

13 September 2023
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During the running of the bulls in Spain, a man took refuge in a building and thought he was safe. The thrill-seeker grabbed a bull by the horns as it ran past and soon regretted it.

During the running of the bulls, organized in the municipality of Ampuero (province of Cantabria, Spain), one of the local residents captured the daring act of a participant in the risky event.

The thrill-seeker, hiding in the building, grabbed one of the bulls by the horns. The animal decided to teach the impudent man a lesson.

The bull tore down the shield separating him from the man, after which, without paying much attention to the other participants in the race, he entered the territory where the offender was hiding. No one, including the bulls, was seriously injured in the incident.

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