The DPRK launched the first submarine with tactical nuclear weapons (14 photos)

Category: Army, PEGI 0+
11 September 2023

Comrade Kim Jong-un is as happy as ever.

In North Korea, the ceremony of launching a new submarine equipped with tactical nuclear offensive weapons, according to the publication "Voice of Korea". Attended solemn event, DPRK leader Kim Jong-un promised to modernize all heavy submarines and equip them with nuclear missiles.

"This is so that they can play a greater role in modern war. This plan is part of the Navy fortification line, planned at the Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea. It is called “low-cost modernization strategy.” Revival of the military shipbuilding is the highest priority direction from which it is no longer possible to retreat, which [necessarily] must be realized and will certainly be fulfilled to the end, and under the most difficult conditions,” said during the solemn speech of Kim Jong-UN.

It is noted that dear Comrade Secretary General (sic. called Kim Jong-un in North Korean publications) was photographed with sailors and wished them safe navigation and military exploits. Those in in turn, vowed to glorify the DPRK Navy.

"Kim Jong-un expressed hope and confidence that the commanders and submarine sailors will reliably inherit the great spirit of sailors of the previous generation and will become a model for the Navy, an example for the entire army,” writes the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

Launching ceremony for the submarine "Hero Kim Gun Oh" No. 841 took place on September 6. It is emphasized that this is the first DPRK submarine, which is equipped with nuclear weapons. Soon she will go to sea for a test voyage.

1 comment
11 September 2023
Які ж вони нікчемні! Жоден не осмілився встромити дерев'яну спицю (бо металевий ніж не дали б пронести охоронці) в це жирне зухвале тіло...
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