California black bunny: he looks like a living oil slick and weighs like a dog (10 photos)
Who even came up with the idea of calling "it" a bunny? As far as necessary hate cute big-eared jumpers to call it like that alien lump of mucus and black matter?! It's time to take a look at your fears in the eyes (tentacles)!
Meet the California Black Bunny - giant gastropod mollusk! Weighs like a medium sized dog behaves like ... but what do they call those who only eat and reproduce?
High five if you want to live like that slug.
Distinguishing slugs is easy - in the water these the creatures look like a huge oil slick. Only in difference from oil, slugs can stick their horns at you - sensitive tentacles on the head, named after creatures and got their name. Oh, what kind of biologists sometimes romance!
If this is a bunny, then only after 100 million years of conservation to become oil.
Also, animals can actively swim and produce for themselves similar on an industrial scale. Sometimes for divers come out of curiosity. Like, what is this new floating pebble? And all because the slugs have no enemies, no competitors - no one dares to contact with a giant clam!
I wouldn't risk messing with something that looks like this either.
California black bunny can grow in length almost up to a meter and at the same time gain a solid 14 kilograms weight. Inside his seemingly shapeless carcass, actually there is a modified shell - a legacy from snails ancestors. True, bunnies have nothing to do with it. with a twisted shell of ordinary grape snails. Sink giant mollusk - a hard plate inside the parapodia - lateral outgrowths on the carcass for movement.
It was I who returned from my grandmother as a well-fed snail.
These plates do not protect, but rather serve to maintaining the shape so that the slug does not completely turn into into a shapeless patch. Therefore, California hares, at least and can stretch in all directions, but if necessary the creature groups up and swims where it needs to.
And in the sea, this thing looks even beautiful!
But size is not the main reason for invulnerability shellfish. Are there fools in the ocean who refuse from a huge and, moreover, not protected in any way carcasses? This is a ready-made dinner - you just have to open your mouth. However no one (at least not the ones we know today) does not risk encroaching on the bunny. Already guessed why? Yes, these creatures are poisonous.
The same toxic friend who considers himself a real bunny.
Slugs feed on toxic brown algae. Plants produce the toxin acetoxycrenulide, and they are able to accumulate harmful substances inside the tissues of your body. The only side the effect of such a diet is that bunnies turn black from it. But this it's such a trifle. Ahead of questions: no, in the hands of Californians it is not dangerous to take, animals do not emit poison with mucus and they can't hurt you. Unless they inflict moral injury especially impressive. But to eat these shellfish Not recommended.
Oh no, this eggplant has been in the fridge for too long, it has come to life!
You can meet bunnies off the coast of California and Mexico. Animals spend most of their lives at the bottom - literally and figuratively. Slugs are gluttonous eating seaweed, and vegetate in the sin of lust. All they are hermaphrodites, which means that each of them is a male, and female. How many possibilities! And the slugs don't miss out none!
Haha, lol. How could such a giant slug be missed?
The most interesting begins in the summer, when adults mature individuals gather together. If only two hares meet, everything will be simple: whoever is larger, that and the female. And if several candidates will come for a date, then in reproduction everyone participates at the same time. The slugs will gather in a merry train, where each immediately become both mom and dad. Everyone just lovesfriend friend, and there are no mating rituals, fights and finding out who is here alpha slug.
Tired bunnies after a night of full love...
After such adventures, each animal will put aside a whole bunch eggs, from which the larvae will hatch over time. exact dates scientists do not name the reproduction and development of juveniles - to date, information about these slugs is not so too much. It's not scary, because bunnies are dying out for now are not going to - we still have time to solve everything their dark secrets!