20 Examples That South Korea Has A Special Atmosphere That The Rest Of The World Doesn't Understand (21 Photos)

1 September 2023

Koreans have long been accustomed to technology everywhere and a special level service. They have their own rules, traditions and peculiarities of life. in front of you non-tourist photos from Seoul and other cities.

1. There is a coffee shop in Korea that sells freshly made drinks in sealed aluminum cans.

2. With a passion for nature, the Oakwood Hotel gives out wooden cards.

3. When entering the car, you can understand which of them is full

3. Lavatory in South Korea

5. Mouthwash found in a restaurant

6. Almost any vehicle has USB ports so you can charge your phone.

7. This is what a self-service store looks like without a salesperson

8. There are a lot of fun things in South Korea, for example, you can create your own pen

9. Kimchi must be checked in at the airport

10. And also in the trash cans in the form of suitcases

11. Korea is obsessed with food and cuteness, so you can ask for almost any pattern on your coffee.

12. Local packaging of condoms

13. There is an indoor bar in Seoul where they fish.

14. At gas stations, hoses hang from the roof.

15. Solar panels everywhere

16. There are vending machines for all occasions, even with flowers.

17. People have specific tastes there, they love everything new and unusual, for example, ice cream with tomato and apple

18. The local Starbucks is giving away coffee grounds to gardeners.

19. Hyundai showroom

20. This is what a place for pregnant women looks like

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