Archival photographs of the very first copies of things that are familiar to us (19 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
1 September 2023

Here you twist your new smartphone in your hands and think, how in general looked like the first phone? Or a camera? And how long ago were they invented? To know we offer answers to these questions in our new and informative collection. Here you will find archival photographs of the very first copies of things, which we are all familiar with. far progress has come!

Niepce's camera, the world's first camera - 1820-1827

One of the first cameras used to take large pictures

Of course, it should be noted that the progenitor of all these devices is a camera obscura, which according to some reports was created in the 5th-4th century BC. e.

The world's first Wright Flyer, 1903

The world's first telephone, invented by Alexander Bell, 1875

The world's first electronic digital computer ENIAC, 1943-1945

The first car Benz Patent-Motorwagen, 1885

The world's first vacuum cleaner, 1906

The world's first helicopter, 1938-1941

The first working helicopter was invented a little earlier - in 1936. Heinrich Fokker. However, its development had a number of imperfections, therefore the invention was not widely adopted. A little bit later American designer of Igor Sikorsky created the first stable helicopter, which was named VS-300.

The first headphones, 1881 and 1920

The photo on the left shows the first telephone headset, invented by Bella Ezra Gilliland. Right - the first electromagnetic headphones designed by Nathaniel Baldwin.

The world's first refrigerator, 1803

In 1803, an American named Thomas Moore introduced a device that which allowed to keep products for a long time intact and safety. He was in business - transporting oil and constantly encountered the fact that during transportation the product deteriorated and lost its attractive trade dress.

The first microwave oven was used by the military only for defrosting food, 1947

The creator of the device is an American engineer Percy Spencer.

First household microwave oven, 1955

The first version of the home oven was presented by the American company Tappan Company.

The world's first dishwasher, 1893

Josephine Garys Cochrane was the first inventor to was able to come up with a successfully working automatic dishwasher.

The first washing machine, 1766

People have long been inventing devices that would make washing clothes easier. However, the first and most acceptable option designed by Jacob Christian Schaeffer in 1766 (his washing machine shown in the image on the left). A little later his idea transformed and it began to be adopted by other inventors and company (an example of a Finnish washing machine, produced from 1943-1949 years, shown in the photo on the right).

First successful toaster, 1909

The first toaster that did its job perfectly task (fried evenly slices of bread on both sides), was invented by Frank Shaylor. Before him to make a similar invention tried AlbertMarsh and Alan McMaster. However, their attempts were not so successful.

First pressure cooker, late 18th century

It turns out that this rather popular kitchen utensil was invented not by a cook, but by the French physicist and mechanic Denis Papin. Yes, the device of that time was very different from modern pressure cookers. Initially, it was an ordinary pan with bolts that were tightened as tight as possible to somehow contain the excess pressure.

The world's first passenger steam locomotive, 1825

It was called Lokomotiv No. 1. It was built by an English inventor George Stephenson. The miracle steam locomotive was moving at a speed of 24 kilometers per hour.

Pascaline - the world's first calculator, 1642-1644

The device could only perform addition and subtraction, and numbers were introduced by manipulating its dials. Invented the first calculator French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

2 September 2023
Сікорський, який народився в Києві, російського походження? Сука, ну ви блядь заїбали тупо копіпастити російські ресурси.
3 September 2023
2 789 comments
Ну, вікіпедія не згодна. Видалили, вибачте, що так розлютили Вас. Справді скопіювали та не прочитали статтю до кінця.
3 September 2023
З чим саме не згодна вікіпедія, і яка саме? Російська? То за їхньою вікіпедією і Крим російський, ви теж з цим згодні і не піддаєте сумніву? Таке враження, і це підтверджується деякими дописами, зокрема про прильоти, які ви після зауважень повидаляди, що ви працюєте на агресора. Може вже час СБУ і кіберполіції зацікавитися ресурсом?
3 September 2023
2 789 comments
Я ж вибачився, чи цього мало? Чи потрібно на коліна стати? Щодо СБУ, це Ваше право, якщо хочете написати скаргу на нас.
4 September 2023
В загалі-то, на російській вікіпедії вказано, що він народився у Києві в Російській імперії. Також вказано, що він руський та американський винахідник. Про російське походження ні слова.
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