Supermarket closed in Austria because of a spider whose venom causes an erection (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
14 August 2023

Rescuers could not catch the dangerous arthropod.

In the Austrian city of Krems an der Donau, the manager supermarket found in a box of bananas 10 cm Brazilian wandering spider (banana spider), whose bite causes 100% of men have a long and painful erection, writes TMZ.

Even though all the banana boxes are urgent sealed, the arthropod somehow managed to crawl under shelving. Rescuers called to the place did not find a dangerous spider either. could. So we had to close the supermarket and call exterminators.

Brazilian wandering spider is considered the most poisonous arthropods on the planet. His bite, in addition to a two-hour erection, causes pain throughout the body, cramps, increased pressure and can lead to lethal outcome.

Erections are a side effect that everyone experiences who has been stung by this spider, along with pain and discomfort. Maybe, someday spider venom will lead to the development of real drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction

It is noteworthy that scientists have studied spider venom and were able to isolate of it is a component that enhances erection. Finally, based on created a gel that relieves men of erectile dysfunction.

Note that this type of spider often enters European supermarkets in boxes with bananas. However, because of them, the stores have not yet closed.

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