And they don’t repair their own dams and others blow them up: A dam broke in Ussuriysk, problems with which were a month ago

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
12 August 2023
Then the microdistrict was flooded, as the contractor “was a little behind schedule”, but promised to “finish the work in the coming days” to protect everyone from floods. The work was to be completed by the end of July.

On the night of August 12, the dam broke through, and now 543 private houses, 1429 household plots, 40 sections of roads are flooded. Roads to 32 settlements are cut off by water. A state of emergency has been introduced in 14 settlements. Rescuers continue to evacuate residents.

According to the mayor of Ussuriysk, the hole in the dam cannot yet be repaired: “I think there is no serious danger in connection with the breakthrough, we warned everyone, everyone was taken out. Everything can be said to be normal. The hole is currently unrepairable. If they close up there now, they can break through the entire dam. Now, thank God, the water has not reached the apartments. But, unfortunately, the garages flooded. The situation, in general, is under control, although, you know, 270 mm of rain fell, a lot of water,” the mayor said. Commenting on these words in the social. networks, local residents do not particularly share the optimism of the mayor
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