Айтішник через мобілізацію в рф пішов жити в ліс

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
26 October 2022

Adam Kalinin is an IT specialist from one of the southern regions of Russia;

After the start of the war in Ukraine, several protocols were drawn up against him for his anti-war position;

As soon as he learned about the mobilization, he realized that he was not ready to leave the country;

Without waiting for the summons, Kalinin went to live in the forest;

He already had camping experience, he just bought more equipment and food and has been living in the thicket for a month now;

Kalinin has two tents - for sleeping and for working. The working place is a three-minute walk from the place where he spends the night, because that’s the only place where he can get internet;

To access the Internet for remote work, he installed an antenna on a pine tree;

The food is prepared using a composite gas cylinder and burner. Water for cooking - rain;

Instead of a shower - wet wipes;

During his month of living in the forest, he never saw other people;

His wife plans to visit him in about a week;

Kalinin doubts that anyone will be able to find him in the forest, despite the fact that he sometimes makes a fire and uses a chainsaw;

He is sure that those mobilized now have a much worse time.

Айтішник через мобілізацію в рф пішов жити в ліс

Primitive Technology of the Russian Federation level

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