A man broke a teenager's nose because of a remark about a car parked at the entrance

12 August 2023
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The mother of the injured schoolboy wants the neighbor to be prosecuted.

In Voronezh, a man unloading a tile from his car ignored the request of a car enthusiast neighbor, whom he blocked the way to leave the yard. The woman's 14-year-old son got out of the car and in a more rude form asked to drive off. The man, according to the mother of the injured teenager, initially behaved aggressively, and when he heard from the teenager the demand to "remove the junk", he immediately attacked him with his fists. However, the teenager also did not stand still and quite strongly hit his neighbor in the left cheekbone with his fist.

We were in a great hurry to get things done. I, as a driver, drove off to the side and wanted to let the neighbor's car pass, but he did not pass and stopped to go about his business. I got out of the car and politely asked him to leave, but the neighbor was already aggressive and refused. Then the son got out of the car with the words: “First, clean the car, and then rake up your junk.” I think that this phrase angered the man even more. So he hit his son and then he pushed me

All plans for the day, along with the teenager's nose, were broken by a neighbor. There was nowhere to hurry. I had to call the police and paramedics. The student was operated on and sent home. And his mother demands that law enforcement officers initiate a criminal case against the man. But the police, apparently, see no reason for this. Given that the incident occurred on July 20.

We would like to resonate with this story. Why does an adult man have the right to beat a child, even someone else's? We want a criminal case to be initiated. After all, this is how the conflict ended in a minibus, where a citizen beat up an underage passenger. Let our neighbor be held criminally responsible for this.

It is known that the neighbor wanted to resolve the conflict amicably and offered 50,000 rubles as compensation for a broken nose. But the teenager's mother was not satisfied with this amount, she billed 240 thousand rubles. A possible initiation of a criminal case is not reported, but the media write that the police have begun an investigation both into the fact of the publication of the video and the testimony of the schoolboy's mother.

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