In Russia, a man went berserk from swearing on a sports ground and decided to punish teenagers with swear words and fists

8 August 2023
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The teenagers staged a football match, during which they shouted and cursed so loudly and for a long time that a resident of a neighboring house could not stand it and went to sort it out.

The social network got a video with educational work, which the man spent on the evening of August 6 in the courtyard of the house on the street. Enthusiasts. At first, he tried to find out in which apartments the swearing teenagers live in order to take them to their parents and make claims regarding the upbringing of the younger generation. Then, pissed off, he used force.

Carefully! The video contains profanity and fight scenes!

Frightened buzzers called the police. The man was soon arrested.

He became a defendant in a criminal case of hooliganism. As a result, the man will be punished, and the teenagers will continue to swear and disturb the inhabitants of the houses with their cries. And how to act in such a situation?
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