In the Rostov region, a man stabbed a neighbor because of loud music

30 June 2023
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The usual quarrel between neighbors ended in crime.

In the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, two neighbors did not agree on the volume of music. Both rented apartments in the same entrance and did not know each other. The quarrel began corny, and the root cause of it, if you think about it, was not music at all.

One of the neighbors drank heavily that day and quarreled with a cohabitant. The woman drove the man to the landing so that he would realize his behavior. Pienenky Ivan, in order to distract himself from the hardships of life together, turned on the music, but as a sin - loudly.

And if other neighbors were democratically silent, 29-year-old Nikolai went to the site and asked to turn down the volume of the speaker. This claim angered Ivan, and he began to quarrel. Men quarreled both in the entrance and on the street. It is not known what exactly served as the last straw, but Nikolai took out a knife and hit his opponent several times.

Carefully! The video contains scenes of violence!

Neighbors who were watching the fight called an ambulance and the police, but the wounded man died in an ambulance before reaching the clinic, and the neighbor who attacked him with a knife fled. True, he did not manage to go far - the man was detained in hot pursuit.

According to media reports, he became a defendant in a criminal case under the article "Murder". The detainee can face up to 20 years in prison.

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