In Mexico, a child fell into the crater of a volcano and miraculously survived (3 photos)

7 August 2023

Fortunately, the volcano was dormant, and the boy was extremely lucky.

An 8-year-old boy with his family was on vacation in a picturesque Tlalpane area of Mexico City. So he wanted to go to the local volcano look. His 38-year-old aunt agreed to accompany the boy. The 300-meter volcano Xitle last erupted in 315 AD, destroying the ancient city of Cuicuilco. So the place is very interesting, but because of the rain before their walk, the ground became slippery, and the child stumbled and fell right into the 50-meter crater of a dormant volcano.

The same mound that destroyed the whole city.

He was very lucky that a relative was able to quickly call the rescuers, and they, in turn, quickly removed the young lover volcanoes to the surface.

The child was rushed by helicopter to the nearest hospital with a fractured shoulder, injured knee and craniocerebral trauma. At the moment, nothing threatens his health.

What a busy summer vacation. And into the volcano fell down and rode a helicopter! Definitely eat than in front of friends boast of.

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