The Russians stripped, beat and robbed a 19-year-old student

4 August 2023
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July 19 at the house number 37 on the street. District in Volgograd, two underage residents of the city and one 18-year-old native of the Astrakhan region attacked a girl. By threats and use of force, they forced her to undress and began to mock. The guys put the unfortunate woman on her knees, beat her with baseball battles, shot her from the trauma, firing about 10 bullets. Passers-by saw what was happening, but did not stand up for the victim, but advised the monsters to stop the violence.

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As a result, the scumbags, having sneered to their heart's content, took away the girl's money, phone, and only then left her alone. The victim with numerous injuries ended up in the intensive care unit of the Emergency Hospital No. 7. Doctors diagnosed the student with a closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, bullet wounds to the shoulder, chest and thigh, bruises of the extremities.

On the same evening, the participants in the massacre were detained. The 16-year-old attackers turned out to be students of the local college. The investigation believes that on the same evening one of the detainees distinguished himself in another attack on the street. Chebyshev in the Sovetsky district of Volgograd, openly stealing 4,000 rubles from a man. He also used an air pistol for this crime.

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