15 photos of the wonderful village of Wangxian, which is not at all what it seems (15 photos + 1 video)

27 July 2023

Or how the Chinese breathed life into a dying village and turned it into an ancient village.

China is a very large country, and partly for this reason Not all corners of the country are popular with tourists. But The Chinese have come up with a good way to increase the popularity of such places: they build new landmarks with references to the past. So and Wangxian village appeared in Jiangxi province, which like she stepped out of the pages of old fairy tales. In fact, the village was rebuilt in the 21st century, turning it into a favorite place for travelers.

A decade ago, Wangxian was a poor, dying village.

But they decided to revive it and turn it into a tourist attraction.

Here, houses were built in traditional Chinese technology, which took refuge in the lush greenery of the mountains.

They are built of stone and wood, and, like bird's nests, occupy sheer cliffs.

Houses are interconnected by stairs and bridges.

Scenic bridges across the mountain river

It seems that this is an ancient settlement that managed to preserve its original beauty.

But in fact, in Wangxian, all the houses are very comfortable, modern and stuffed with appliances.

Some houses even have swimming pools.

You can stay overnight in most of them.

This tourist village is located near the city of Shangrao in Jiangxi province.

The region is considered one of the most beautiful rural areas in China.

The scenery here is truly idyllic.

Small settlements in the mountains, bright yellow fields of rapeseed, among which old trees rise

And the village of Wangxian occupies a special place among them.

1 comment
iara suzana
iara suzana
8 January 2024
adorei seu video! são poucas as pessoas que postam coisas tão lindas e diferentes para outras que só podem conhecer através da midia. Muito obrigado por compartilhar!!!
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