Did an alien ship crash on Mars? Curiosity found a mysterious object (9 photos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
27 July 2023

Mars rover Curiosity pleased with a new find, which is already called one of the strangest objects on Mars. The pictures show a stone with sharp protrusions resembling the bones of a fish. Scientists are not rule out a possible emergency landing of an alien spacecraft to the Red Planet. However, this education is more likely associated with seismic activity.

It is possible that the cause of the appearance of a strange object could be the crash of an alien ship

According to experts, the protrusions are similar to those known on Earth "sand spikes" that appear during earthquakes of magnitude seven points or more.

Professor Richard Armstrong of Aston University, Birmingham, said: "These structures are unusual on Mars and unique in my practice. The body of evidence suggests that they belong to the type of "sand spikes" that form on Earth in the result of significant seismic activity. However, there are differences Martian spikes from Earth spikes, which geologists have noticed." For example, Martian spikes do not have such convex ends as Earth ones. In addition, some of them have notches, which you will not see on earthly.

The expert called the discovery the strangest of all that she had ever seen in 20 years

NASA astrobiologist Natalie Cabrol said it was "the most bizarre stone" that she had ever seen in 20 years of studying Red planet. She suggested that the winds might be to blame, and the object itself is "remains of rocks after severe erosion."

Previously, as a possible cause of the appearance of spiny formations were called fish bones, dinosaur remains or a fragment old spacecraft of terrestrial production.

At the moment, scientists are studying the object

Bizarre stone found at the base of the 154 km long Gale Crater

It is more likely that this formation is associated with seismic activity on Mars.

In total, at least 10 probes crashed on Mars, including British Beagle 2 and Mars Polar Lander. According to experts, on The surface of the planet is 7119 kg of debris.

"Given the small size and the lack of known analogues, created by man, as well as the lack of a logical explanation for what purpose these spikes may serve, it does not seem likely that these the samples are the wreckage of a ship or equipment that fell into the crater Gale," the authors of the study write.

Similar rock formations have been found in the Nördlingen Rees impact crater in southern Germany.

The Curiosity rover has been roaming Gale Crater since August 2012.

This isn't the first time Curiosity's images have made scientists scratch their heads.

In June, the rover discovered bizarre twisted columns, which turned out to be fossilized rocks. They probably represent cemented mass of minerals that seeped into cracks in rock. Over millions of years, the rocks have collapsed, and the frozen streams of dense material remained.

Initially, it was assumed that the rover would study the geology and climate of Mars in two years. But more than 3700 sols have passed since then.

Last August marked the 10th anniversary of the Curiosity on Mars. In February 2021, the rover joined it perseverance.

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