25 everyday moments that just enrage (26 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
20 July 2023

Some seemingly innocent things can be amazing annoying. Here are just a few examples of situations from which outwardly a calm person can suddenly explode and smash everything around to damn mother. Yes, because I'm tired.

Thanks to the Mildly Annoying subreddit for providing the photos.

1. “I just needed a piece of duct tape. Smooth!"

2. "Either let the process go to the end, or press the Clear button, office fuckers"

3. "Eyes hurt"

4. "The sticker on the frying pan does not peel off"

5. "The postman just doesn't care"

6. “By the time I opened the package and got to my allergy pill, I was already in need of a strong sedative.”

7. "People like that are annoying"

8. “The bookcase is used the wrong way!”

9. "The door opens outward"

10. “My package. Only here is someone else's porch!

11. "This is very annoying"

12. "Is this a pattern?"

13. "The most disgusting traffic jam in the world"

14. "Look closely - there is no way out of this maze"

15. "The lamps are not aligned in a row"

16. “The way his headphones look makes me feel bad.”

17. “Opened the glue. There is no pin on the lid inside to pierce the tube.

18. “I bought a pen. It had enough ink for a couple of pages.

19. "Lines of different lengths"

20. "I've been ordering pizza from a small local place for years, they got a new employee last week."

21. "These awkward windows are infuriating"

22. "I just wanted a Coke"

23. "It's annoying how temperature control is done on my multicooker. First high, then low, then medium.

24. “I saw one tile that breaks the whole pattern, and now I can’t unsee it.”

25. “It’s quite difficult to drink through a straw sealed at one end.”

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