A sailor with a dog was rescued off the coast of Mexico after drifting in the Pacific Ocean for three months (2 photos + 1 video)

17 July 2023

An Australian sailor and his dog are rescued after months of drifting in the Pacific.

According to the Daily Mail, 51-year-old Sydney resident Tim Shaddock and his dog Bella sailed from Mexican La Paz in April and headed to French Polynesia. The navigator planned to overcome 6000 km, but a few weeks later a storm knocked out the electronics on the boat.

A man and his four-legged friend drifted for three months unmanned boat, ate raw fish and drank rain water until 6 July they were not found by a helicopter from a passing fishing trawler.

According to the doctor, the sailor is in "stable and very good condition." The dog also looks healthy, the newspaper notes.

The traveler himself is in an excellent mood:

It was not easy at sea. What I need most right now is rest and good food.

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