A half-naked man attacked a couple of pensioners at a gas station

14 July 2023
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In St. Petersburg, the police are looking for the culprit of the brutal beating of elderly gas station visitors on Vasilyevsky Island. The victim reprimanded him.

It all happened at a gas station on the 24th line of Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg on July 11. At a VO gas station, a man beat up a couple of pensioners who reprimanded him, presumably because the guy was swearing out loud.

According to preliminary information, a Lifan car arrived at the gas station. And at the same moment a group of young people entered the site. The middle-aged driver had a verbal skirmish - he made a remark to one of the guys. After that, the man hit the driver first, and then attacked his wife, who reached for the phone in her bag.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an investigation is underway on this fact. A search is underway for a young fighter.

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