In St. Petersburg, an offended migrant pierced a passerby with a skewer

21 June 2023
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The half-naked guest worker, flushed with alcohol, heard the words of criticism and took up what was at hand.

Street verbal brawl on Geroev Avenue in St. Petersburg ended with the hospitalization of one of the participants.

On June 17, a couple of family guest workers, being tipsy, suddenly argued with passers-by. According to some media, they made a remark to "foreign specialists". The clarification of the relationship did not remain at the verbal level for long - people from Central Asia, heated up by drinking, took up arms, or rather, skewers. One of the disputants began to catch up with the offenders. Even the realization that there were women and children nearby could not stop him. The avenger's wife tried to catch up with her betrothed and detain him by clinging to his trousers, but her attempts were in vain. The stubborn husband, waving a skewer, tried to go ahead.

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