russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 6-7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Zelensky:

The timing of the start of the offensive was delayed due to the delay in the supply of Western weapons.

I am grateful to the United States as the leader of our support, however, I told them, as well as the heads of European states, that we would like to go on the counteroffensive earlier, and for this we need weapons and other materials ... .

The Russian army had more time to mine vast territories and create defensive lines.

- Russian federal television throws mud at Prigozhin every day.

This time he is accused of theft and, apparently, rape.

- Lukashenka claims that Prigozhin is not in Belarus: he is in St. Petersburg.

- The Ukrainian sky is covered by the Ukrainian Soviet-made air defense system S-125.

- Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmyhal:

After the war, Ukraine will refuse conscription and the basis will be a professional army.

The basis of Ukraine's defense will be a professional army and two components of the reserve will be created, however, all those liable for military service, despite the absence of conscription, will constantly undergo compulsory training in established military specialties.

- Bloomberg:

Ukraine has more tanks than Russia.

Bloomberg calculated tank deliveries and their losses and came to the conclusion that at the moment Ukraine has about 1500 tanks (against 987 before the war), and Russia - 1400 (against 3.400).


The decision to transfer ATACMS has been accepted by all and is awaiting only Biden's approval.

- Ukrainian intelligence (SBU) accused Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy of treason in absentia.

He is suspected of collaborating with the FSB and participating in the preparation of "staged" videos of interrogations of Ukrainian prisoners of war, which were then allegedly used to discredit the Ukrainian authorities.

The blogger himself denied the accusations by the SBU and stated that he could prove his innocence in any court.

Shariy has been living in Spain for several years; in February 2021, the Ukrainian security forces already accused him of high treason.

- The New York Times:

The United States decided to supply Kyiv with cluster munitions, this will be announced in the near future.

- Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN Amid Saeed Iravani:

Iran once again categorically denies Ukraine's accusations of supplying UAVs to Russia.

- Office workers get ready: a large-scale "call center" was covered in the center of Kropyvnytskyi

There were more than 70 people in the room, 20 of them were minors. They deceived people with the help of phone calls.

The Interim Investigation Commission of the Rada to combat such "call centers" found out that there are 1,700 such offices in Ukraine.

- There were confidential talks between the US and Russia on Ukraine, — nbc news

The publication writes ( that former high-ranking US officials held a secret meeting with Lavrov, in order to "lay the foundation" for peace negotiations. It was in April when Lavrov flew to New York to attend UN meetings.

The talks discussed the fate of territories that Ukraine "may never be able to liberate" and the search for a diplomatic solution.

- The United States will provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, — The Associated Press

The publication notes ( that the Biden administration will announce this today as part of a new military aid package worth up to $800 million .

- SBU in Kropyvnytskyidetained a Russian agent who worked at a defense plant and passed on to the Russians all the data about new technologies and the location of our equipment

- Ukrainian tactical wheeled armored vehicle Cobra II 4x4 supplied by Turkey.

- Washington Post:

US President Joe Biden approves delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine.

The move circumvents US legislation that prohibits the production, use, or transfer of cluster munitions with a failure rate greater than 1%.

The United States will transfer 155-mm M864 artillery ammunition with a cluster warhead to Ukraine. These shells were created in 1987.

The projectile is capable of delivering 24 M46 and 48 M42 dual-purpose anti-tank and anti-personnel submunitions at a distance of up to 29 kilometers.

The Pentagon rated this artillery shell as "unexploded" 6 percent, which means that at least four out of every 72 submunitions carried by each projectile will remain unexploded in an area of approximately 22,500 square meters — about the size of 4½ football field.

- Zelensky:

The Ukrainian offensive is not going fast, but we are moving forward.

We are advancing, now we have the initiative. The offensive is not fast, that's a fact, but nevertheless, we are moving forward, not backward, and therefore I see this as a positive moment.

- Now about 33 million people live in Ukraine.

Since the end of 2021, the number of residents of Ukraine has decreased by more than 7 million people.

- Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala:

The Czech Republic will send flight simulators to Ukraine so that F-16 pilots can be trained directly in Ukraine.

We will also transfer combat helicopters and 100,000 rounds of ammunition to Ukraine.

- The explosion occurred at the Russian military plant "Promsintez" in the Samara region.

"Promsintez" engages in the manufacture of explosives.

6 people were killed, two more were injured.

- US Secretary of State Blinken:

I want to address the Russians: The US is not your enemy. After the peaceful end of the Cold War, we share the hope that Russia will have a bright future, free and open, fully integrated with the rest of the world.

We can't choose your future for you, and we won't try. But we also will not allow President Putin to impose his will on other countries.

Moscow must respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighboring countries to the extent that it requires it for Russia.

- Head of military intelligence of Ukraine Budanov:

There is a counteroffensive. Success will be, but later.

I want to remind you of this famous story with Bakhmut. The Russians attacked Bakhmut for over 10 months.

Our task is a little more than Bakhmut, but we have a little less than 10 months of time.

- Stoltenberg from NATO:

On July 11-12, in Vilnius, NATO leaders will approve a multi-year package of support for Ukraine, which will bring Ukraine closer to the alliance.

- Oil and gas revenues of the Russian budget in January-July decreased by 47% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 3.382 trillion rubles (36.9 billion dollars).

- Bild with reference to the Ukrainian fighter:

It's getting harder and harder to fight the Russians.

Russians massively use drones. The enemy sees all our movements and immediately opens fire. Usually we can only move at night.

Both in the south and in the east, the Russian defense is strong, which inflicts huge losses. Countless fighters lost arms, legs and feet.

The Russians have a weak army, but they are improving.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria:

Austria opposes the supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine, as this poses a long-term threat to the civilian population.

Germany says it does not consider it possible to supply such ammunition - because it has signed a convention banning them.

- Ukraine and Slovakia signed a contract for the joint production of 16 Zuzana-2 155-mm howitzers


Germany has allocated 381.1 million euros for 120-mm tank ammunition for Leopard 2 tanks, almost a third of which will be transferred to Ukraine.

By 2025, the Bundeswehr will receive more than 40,000 DM11 and DM73/DM63A1 tank ammunition.

Ukraine will receive 16,500 such shells.

- The identity of the dead pilots of the Russian MiG-31 crashed in the Kamchatka Territory has been established.

26-year-old Lieutenant Mikhail Bogatsky and 41-year-old Major Roman Bastrykin.

- Ukraine claims that Russian troops are trapped in Bakhmut.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky said that during a meeting with Turkish President Erdogan in Istanbul, they will discuss "defense contracts between Ukrainian and Turkish companies."

Ukrainian President Zelensky was met in Turkey by Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir and an accompanying delegation.

The reception was also attended by Haluk Bayraktar, CEO of Baykar and manufacturer of Bayraktar TB2 UAVs, who play an active role in defending Ukraine from Russia.

- The White House:

The United States does not rule out that F-16 fighters may be deployed to Ukraine before the end of the conflict.

- The White House:

Ukraine has not yet met the requirements for joining NATO.

- The White House has confirmed that the United States is transferring cluster munitions to Ukraine.

The US has not yet decided whether to transfer ATACMS missiles.

- The White House:

Ukraine will not become a NATO member after the Vilnius summit, it still needs to fulfill a number of requirements for membership.

- The White House:

The United States has received written assurances from Kyiv that cluster munitions will be used "with caution" to avoid risk to the civilian population.

- Turkish President Erdogan and Ukrainian President Zelensky held a bilateral meeting at the Vahdettin mansion in Istanbul.

The delegations will meet after the bilateral meeting.

They will discuss relations between the two countries as well as regional and international issues such as the latest developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Black Sea Grain Corridor agreement, which expires on July 17th.

Erdogan and Zelensky are expected to hold a joint press conference after the talks.

- The United States announced a new package of military assistance to Ukraine:

32 BMP Bradley and 32 BTR Stryker

Additional ammo for Patriot and HIMARS

AIM-7, Stinger and Javelin anti-aircraft missiles

31 x 155-mm howitzer;

105-mm and 155-mm artillery shells, including DPIKM

- Reuters:

The Syrian military intelligence and the Russian Ministry of Defense carried out an operation, as a result of which the fighters of the Wagner PMC on the night of June 24 were supposed to sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

Syrian military intelligence cut off the Internet and telephone communications from the Wagner forces' deployment areas: the fighters could not contact each other, nor with the Russian forces of PMCs, nor with their relatives.

At the same time, a group of Russian officersShe went to Syria. By the morning of June 24, Syrian military intelligence and the Russian military were closely coordinating the operation to take Wagner under control.

On the same day, 10 PMC officers were summoned to the operational base of the Russian Defense Ministry in Khmeimim.

All PMC fighters in Syria were offered to sign new contracts under which they report directly to the Ministry of Defense.

When the fighters were transferred to the Ministry of Defense, their salaries were reduced.

Only a few dozen refused to sign new contracts, which surprised the Syrian authorities: they expected more resistance.

Fighters who refused to sign contracts were taken out of the country on Russian planes.

- Biden said that the decision to transfer cluster munitions to Ukraine was very difficult for him, but Ukrainians need them.

Biden told CNN that cluster munitions are designed to ensure the success of the Ukrainian offensive.

- Wild photo, okay rainbow, but these NATO mountains and western clouds, no way

- In Kyiv, they plan to confiscate the apartments of Artemy Lebedev

On July 6, the Higher Anti-Corruption Court started considering a claim for the confiscation of the assets of Russian designer Artemy Lebedev. He has two apartments in the center of Kyiv.

This is reported by the Anti-Corruption Action Center. We are talking about an apartment with an area of 138 square meters on Yaroslavov Val and another one on Saksaganskogo Street. The first apartment is registered to Lebedev, he copied the other to his friend, a programmer, a few months before the start of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. On the first day of the hearing, the court examined written evidence. The next meeting will take place on Monday, July 10.

Lebedev for spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda and visiting the occupied territories was included in the sanctions list in January 2023. The basis for a claim for confiscation of property under the mechanism developed by the CPC together with partners is support for a military invasion and dissemination of enemy propaganda theses. So, TsBK cites one of the quotes from a Russian: “In Russia, everything is simple – the regions inside the country are called regions, and the regions along the edges are called regions (and one region is directly called – Ukraine).

The Security Service of Ukraine reported suspicion to Lebedev for illegally visiting Ukraine in the summer of 2022, during which he took photographs on the roof of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

- Now it is customary to say that there are "several Russias": Moscow and Zamkadye, rich Russia and poor Russia, Russia of megacities and Russia deep (rural). Here is a Twitter thread from an oncologist in the metropolis. And even there, there are big problems with cancer treatment.

- What a completely unexpected turn in the country of the concentration camp

- Human Rights Watch opposed the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine

- The court in Kamchatka sentenced the Russian military to two years and three months in prison for refusing to participate in the war with Ukraine

The 35th garrison military court in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky made this decision in the case of serviceman Denis Morozov. This was reported by the press service of the court.

The report says that Morozov was found guilty under the article on non-execution of an order in conditions of an armed conflict (Part 2.1 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code). The investigation claims that in January, "during the period of mobilization, without good reason," he refused to leave for the combat zone and participate in the war with Ukraine.

Earlier in April, the same court sentenced two Russian servicemen to two years and six months in prison for refusing to go to fight in Ukraine.

- Is sport out of politics?

- In the US, people with an IQ of less than 83 are prohibited from serving in the army

The reason is that their experience has shown that people with an IQ below 83 become only a burden

- "We live normally, why are you climbing?"

- "Masterpiece" has been rated

- Is it that 47% of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers do not want to return to their Komsomol past? Why, then, do they read this very "Komsomolskaya Pravda"?

- It's time to rename the Special Economic Operation.

- Lawyer Elena Ponomareva was attacked in Moscow. An unidentified man doused a woman with green paint at a bus stop. As a result, she received bodily injuries, and her retina was also damaged.

“The lawyer is sure that the attack is connected with the implementation of her professional activities. Previously, she received threats in messengers with photographs of her relatives, as well as her property and a dog, which indicates that the lawyer was being monitored. Also, a car previously owned by a lawyer was doused with indelible paint, which caused significant damage. An appeal to law enforcement agencies did not give any results, the perpetrators were not identified, », — reports the press service of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Moscow Region.

“Before that, several more attacks were committed on her, she was under state protection,” — declared "Lawyer Street" in the commission for the protection of the rights of lawyers of the Academy of Defense of the Moscow Region.

- Large-scale exercises of Roskomnadzor, which took place on the night of July 4-5, were associated with the implementation of this task. The RKN exercise resulted in a string of technical failures in critical government information systems. For example, Russian Railways was forced to stop online ticket sales.

A couple more meters to Cheburnet

- New work by Eva Morozova

- Comrade, remember! Your wife's boobs can be seen by NATO soldiers!

- A hole of 5 trillion rubles (50 billion euros) has appeared in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Despite raising the retirement age, double-digit social tax rates (22%) and meager pensions only slightly above Iran's level ($250 last year), the Russian pension system remains in a near-bankrupt state.

In 2022, the Pension Fund’s own revenues covered only half (54%) of the costs of paying pensions, the Accounts Chamber found out after analyzing the execution of the PFR budget

Social contributions in the amount of 22% of the salaries paid by each employer for an employee brought 6.2 trillion rubles to the Pension Fund - 124 billion rubles less than the plan.

Spending rose by 1.2 trillion rubles to 11.4 trillion rubles after the Kremlin launched an unscheduled indexation in an attempt to compensate the elderly electorate for a surge in war inflation.

As a result: a hole in the amount of 5.2 trillion rubles was formed in the fund's budget.

Formally, the budget of the PFR is in surplus, but this is a consequence of the transfer from the federal budget, which year after year closes the lack of money. Last year it was increased by 1.7 times - up to 6.1 trillion rubles.

The share of expenses for the payment of insurance pensions, which the fund can cover from its own income, has fallen from 77% to 70%, the Accounts Chamber states.

This year, according to the law on the budget, the PFR should receive another 5.9 trillion rubles from the federal budget in order to pay pensioners. But the state of affairs in the treasury is deteriorating: oil and gas revenues have fallen by half, and the hole by the beginning of June exceeded the plan for the whole year.

- What the hell is Lavrov wearing on his back under his jacket?

- After the commercial success of Kadyrov in the form of a plastic toy, figurines of disguised Prigogines were put into production in China

- This is realwear in a rashka?

- In Yoshkar-Ola, flowers were brought to the memorial to the victims of political repressions in memory of those killed in Lviv

- The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, commented on the ruble exchange rate: "The floating exchange rate is a boon that makes it easier to absorb external shocks and changes." But this is not a "floating" rate, but a "flying away" one!

- business as usual

- Memes

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