Zones that can be used for life were discovered on the Red Planet (5 photos)
We are talking about the Korolev crater - a formation with a diameter of 82 and a depth of 2 kilometers filled with ice. But the conclusion about the theoretical possibility of its use researchers have done for a long time, a few years ago. A Now there is new information.
Chinese and American devices were found on Krasnaya planet of a zone with a strong magnetic field capable of protecting living organisms from solar radiation.
Korolev crater
Unlike Earth, the strong magnetic field on Mars absent. Accordingly, solar radiation can cause much more significant harm at the theoretical probability of existence higher forms of life.
But separate areas where on the surface as a result meteorite fall or ore close to it, are abnormal. The NASA device managed to take indicators in one of these zones. They amounted to 2 microtesla. Of course, this is a very low figure for compared with the strength of the Earth's magnetic field (25 - 65 microtesla). But there are still certain prospects, since this is only one explored area.
And upon detection of such areas, which are something like protective spheres, you can consider the possibility of protection from radiation of living organisms.
Pithovirus is a virus that was isolated from a sample of permafrost.
There are safe zones. But they're under the surface shielding radiation. That is, one can consider the possibility of launching the simplest life. Moreover, scientists in 2018 proved this by the example of those found in Antarctica at a depth of 80 meters bacteria. After thawing, extremophiles returned to life. That there are Martian conditions (and ice is in abundance there) are actually suitable for such organisms are better than terrestrial ones.
Hypothetically, NASA representatives admit the possibility delivering samples of Martian ice to Earth to test it for the subject of primitive life forms. But experts are wary of this idea: no one knows which unknown life form (virus or bacterium) can wake up, and how it will behave in the conditions of our planets.