I want sex!: in Yaroslavl, an aggressive inadequate was detained who tried to rape a girl

26 June 2023
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Passers-by tied the man up and held him until the police arrived. And he kept muttering that he never knew the joy of carnal pleasures.

In Yaroslavl, in broad daylight, a man attacked a girl who was walking with a child in a stroller. Inadequate hit her, knocked her down and tried to rape her. He himself admitted that he was under the influence of drugs and really wants sex.

“I wanted to f*ck, you know? I wanted to try to have sex, at least once. I'm a virgin. Do you understand? Do not understand. I'm out of breath now! From drugs, just got in. It got bad. I don't have a home, I'm homeless,” the man tried to say while he was being held until the police arrived.

The virgin was handed over to the police. It is reported that an administrative report on hooliganism was drawn up against the brawler for the first time. The maximum penalty under this article is arrest for up to fifteen days.

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