In Germany, an inadequate man in a T-shirt with neo-Nazi symbols shot a passerby from a crossbow

21 June 2023
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The 29-year-old psycho first looked for a victim with his eyes, and then shot a guy of Syrian origin.

At a railway station in Peine, Lower Saxony, a mentally unstable man started shooting at passers-by with a crossbow. One person was injured.

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Eyewitnesses claim that at first the inadequate citizen threatened the guy in the building of the railway station, and then fired, hitting the victim in the back.

The police promptly arrived at the scene and arrested the offender. It turned out that the shooter, who, in addition to the crossbow, was also armed with a machete, had a mental illness. The victim was hospitalized, and his life is not in danger at the moment, and the shooter is being checked for links with neo-Nazi groups.

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