Nyobolt EV - an electric car that charges in 6 minutes (8 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
17 June 2023

Nyobolt and Callum collaborated to present concept electric car Nyobolt EV, remarkable not only original appearance, but also implemented ultra-fast technology charging.

Nyobolt EV looks very similar to the modernized version classic mid-engined coupe Lotus Elise. This is related to the fact that along with Ian Cullum, Julian Thomson worked on the appearance of the sports car, creator of the exterior of the original Elice. Both compartments are close, for example, in silhouette, proportions, body contours and the concept as a whole.

Nyobolt considers the main advantage of his sports car charging technology, which the company calls revolutionary. coupe equipped with a small 35-kilowatt battery, which provides a cruising range of 250 kilometers. At the same time, completely You can charge the battery in just 6 minutes from a standard fast charging station. charging. The developers claim that this is a world record.

At the same time, an ultra-high-speed battery should be quite applicable in real life: a prototype battery was tested for two thousand cycles charging and discharging and came to the conclusion that the losses in energy intensity.

Nyobolt believes that their technology, at scale deployment has the potential to change the electric car industry by making cars are more comfortable, and their production is cheaper. The firm also clarifies that high-speed accumulators can be scaled to applications on full-size electric cars or commercial vehicles.

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