Taiwanese man parked on the roof of the house to avoid parking fines (3 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
17 June 2023

One guy from Taiwan was so fed up with parking tickets under own windows that he decided to answer insanity for insanity.

Parking, even at the best of times, is not easy, and the situation only exacerbated in the centers of large cities, where every parking place worth its weight in gold. It's still good if behind you/ your apartment a specific place is fixed (and then - even in this case, there are complexity), but if there is none, to the problem of parking at home After a long day at work, you have to get creative. This is what did one resident of Taiwanese Taipei, who caught a bunch of fines for parked their vans in front of the house and firmly decided to stop enduring it.

Instead of parking on the street, he picked up both van to the roof of his apartment building - one on the platform higher, and the second squeezed in so that a small part of the car even hung from roofs.

Neighbors, of course, the situation alarmed, but the car owner remained as calm as a boa constrictor. “The building is in no way hurt, so tie it up to make an elephant out of a fly, ”he told China times.

He also told the worried tenants that the building was made of steel and concrete, and therefore can easily support the weight of two wagons. However, this hardly reassured anyone.

The city authorities asked the man to remove the cars from the roof, however, he refused, stating that he did not technically violate any rules. We have all heard the term "malicious compliance", but this, sorry for pun, it's on another level.

In the end, the man nevertheless obeyed and agreed to remove cars, but he still insists that he did not violate any rules.

And now the main question: no, not “how did he manage to raise two vans there," because here the answer is simple - of course he hired lifting crane. No, the main question is what was he going to do next? Call the tap every time you need to drive to the store for bread? However, this does not prevent partly from admiring such an unbending stubbornness and pure harmfulness.

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