Elderly cat has outlived its owners, but is still full of energy (16 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
5 June 2023

A cat's 27 years is the equivalent of 124 years in human terms. age. A cat named Sweetpi lived to this respectable age, outlived its owners, and is still full of life and charm. She is an example that age is just a number.

A cat named Sweetpi lost her owners when she was 22 years old. Unfortunately, they were gone. Veterinarians first suggested euthanize a cat because they didn't think it would live any longer. But relatives of the deceased owners had other plans when they heard this sad forecast.

"My father and stepmother, the former owners of the cat, loved her very much and considered special. They were often surprised that she understood a lot and even says some words. They were both old and sick, and died two months apart when Sweetpi was 22," said a relative of the family, Michelle.

Not daring to leave the cat in a shelter, a relative took Sweetpi to yourself. She has two other cats at home, one of which is rescued, and also left without owners. Since then, the elderly cat has been living in new loving family. According to the owners, she has a difficult character and her own clear personal boundaries that she does not allow to be violated. Now she is 27 years, and will soon turn 28. By human standards, this is as much as 124 years! But despite this, she is a charming and intelligent creature, and only in the last couple of years has become a little absent-minded, as the owners say.

Caring for an elderly cat is special. She needs pills maintaining health, they put her on drips, they feed only lightly digestible food and regularly see the veterinarian. In addition, at Sweetpie has incontinence problems, so the hosts lay out a few diapers around the house so that she can safely go to the toilet. Otherwise Sweetpi feels good, and often spends time outdoors. air.

It turns out that this is how long cats can live. According to owners of Sweetpi, despite her advanced age, she is charming and special kitty who also deserves a big and unconditional love. Do you have older pets?

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