In the animal world by Gerald Durrell (10 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
5 June 2023

It is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the cause of animal welfare. Although with like this person, relationships did not develop so well.

Gerald Durrell (1925-1995), British journalist writer, traveller, founder of the Jersey Zoo and Foundation wildlife conservation, named after him.

In childhood

The boy's mother said that her son's path was predetermined with the very moment he uttered the first word - zoo. Not really yet knowing how to speak, he began to translate his destiny into reality, carrying home snails and beetles. And at six he firmly announced that he would open zoo. But not simple, not for the amusement of an idle public. And the one where rare and endangered animal species will be preserved and restored.

As a teenager, Gerald went to work in a pet store. "Boy on little animals,” as he sarcastically called himself. Supreme Darrell never received an education. But the scope of his knowledge was so impressive that he became not only a writer and researcher, but also was honored with an honorary doctorate from the University of Kent.

He gained his first practical experience as a zoologist at the zoo. Whipsnade. And on its basis began to collect, accumulate, analyze and classify information about rare animals 20 years before the appearance Red Book.

Trapper and traveler

Gerald was only 21 years old when he organized the first expedition for animals in Cameroon. It was a real school of life, because as a hunter, he himself reached the seemingly simple wisdom of this Sciences. Has been bitten, scratched or marked by others during work in the ways of all existing animals.

But it is one thing to catch, and quite another to keep. AND Gerald had to demonstrate miracles of ingenuity, carrying captured animals to a new place of residence. Pickiness in food lack of immunity to elementary diseases, fear of cold or heat - with than only the zoologist had to face.

But he didn't stop. And 10 years later on the island of Jersey Darrell's brainchild appeared - a zoo whose goal was to preserve rare species with subsequent restoration of populations.

Golden Lion Marmoset and Mauritian Kestrel

A fund was organized on the basis of Durrell Wildlife Park, at the expense of means of which the extinction of many rare species has been prevented, including pink dove, Mauritian kestrel, monkeys golden lion marmoset and marmoset, Australian frog corroboree and more.

Darrell in movies and in real life

Number of books written by Darrell, in total has exceeded 30. And the number of projects in the cinema is even greater. It is believed that to writing, Gerald came from hopelessness - there were corny needs money. And older brother Lawrence is a professional writer even teased Gerald about it. But at the same time books were published and reprinted in millions of copies. And just the fees for them made it possible to realize the dream of opening a zoo.

So, the book "My family and other animals" several times filmed. In 2016, a series dedicated to family life was released naturalist.

Shot from the TV series "The Durrells"

The cause to which this man devoted his life is the simplest formula: find - deliver - restore - resettle.

Statue of Gerald Durrell at the entrance to the Jersey Zoo

And now this elementary philosophy of the kindest person, who instantly flew into a rage at the sight of the mistreatment of animals, adhere to many zoos. After all, to save and save, in order to leave the diversity of this world for future generations, it is necessary for the time being there is still someone to save.

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