China has started drilling a 10-kilometer well in the Earth (4 photos)

Chinese scientists start drilling a well 10,000 meters deep meters in the earth's crust in the Xinjiang region. This ambitious project will allow exploration of the subsoil and a more detailed study of the seismic region activity.

It will also be used to practice unique drilling technologies that can be applied in future projects, including deep sea drilling of the ocean floor. Soviet deep record the Chinese have not beaten drilling yet.

According to the official news agency Xinhua, on Tuesday, May 30, in the oil-rich region Xinjiang begins drilling of the deepest well in history China. According to the report, the mine must pass through a dozen or even more continental strata or rock layers and reach Cretaceous system in the earth's crust, in which there are rocks aged 145 million years.

“The complexity of building a drilling project can be compared with the movement of a large truck on two thin steel ropes,” a scientist from the China Engineering Institute told Xinhua. Sun Jinsheng Academy.

According to China National Petroleum, which leads project, the well will provide data on the internal structure of the Earth, and will also test new Chinese deep underground drilling.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more progress in deep Earth exploration in his speech to the country's leading scientists in 2021. Such work can help identify mineral and energy resources and help assess the risks of environmental disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The deepest man-made well on Earth still remains the Kola super-deep well, which has reached depth of 12,262 meters in 1989 after 20 years of drilling.

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