Pachimon: playing cards from Japan, where instead of queens and kings there were monsters (13 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
31 May 2023

Japanese playing cards inhabited by monsters.

Japan produced cards unlike any other in world: instead of the usual girls and men, playing cards flaunted real monsters. These cards are called pachimon, and have long been a collector's item. On every map, even on the most small, a monster is depicted, and its characteristics are also indicated: weight, height, where he came from. Here are 12 cards from this strange decks.

Curadorosu - a 5-meter vampire that weighs 800 kg

16-meter wolf Medzhi, arrived from space, weighing 5000 kg

On the jack of clubs is a 15-ton Mamba, a monster fish from the Arctic seas

Acira, who came from another planet and settled in the mountains of Japan

85m Auroraras from the South Pole

Huge Vacuum that weighs 6000 kg

Kimu's monster on the queen of diamonds

12-meter Spetier, who flew to Earth from the Ghost of Jupiter Nebula

The monster from Egypt, nicknamed H

Flying Glamingo that settled in Hokkaido

King of Hearts and a 40-meter monster from the planet Sigma

And of course the Joker

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