John Connor from "Terminator" put his teeth in and reconciled with the former (12 photos + 2 videos)

23 May 2023

Edward Furlong, 45, who once played young John Connor in Terminator 2, after which he managed to let his life go very briskly and career down the drain. Blame it on the abuse of illicit substances and alcohol. But now Furlong is trying to regain control of the situation: he tied it up, replaced the decayed teeth with brand new snow-white ones, and again began date your ex-passionate.

The paparazzi photographed a couple - 45-year-old Edward Furlong and 43-year-old Monica Kina - peacefully strolling through Los Angeles. It would seem, nothing surprising. But the fact is that Monica is 10 years old filed a lawsuit against Furlong and received a court order prohibiting him to approach her.

Well times are changing and now these two seem to be back together. Yes, and Edward, though changed from his youth to unrecognizable, yet it looks better now than it did not long ago. A couple of months ago he had a whole mouthful of new teeth put in - his own rotted from years of methamphetamine use - and now he's proudly displays them in a wide smile.

This is what the two looked like at the Los Angeles premiere in January 2011 before they parted ways

Edward Furlong was only 13 years old when he was found literally on the street and was invited to star in the 1991 blockbuster Terminator 2: Judgment Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Whats up say: he was a great find!

Alas, with sudden popularity and big money, he did not coped: addicted to alcohol and illegal substances, career collapsed, and he himself gradually sank and rolled to the bottom.

Oh what a guy he was!

He became heavily addicted to methamphetamine and heroin which led to numerous arrests. Since 2000 he has been a frequent customer rehabilitation centers, but all to no avail. April 2001 Furlong, 23, was hospitalized with an overdose. This is also not his stopped.

As for his personal life: Edward Furlong was married for three years on actress Rachel Bella. This marriage ended in 2009 when he received a restraining order from approaching his wife and son. This happened after he punched her in the face during an outburst of rage, caused by drugs.

His next romance was just with Monica Kina, not very a well-known television series actress, and he was again arrested several times for domestic violence. It all ended in 2013 with an injunction though a meter closer to Monica.

Monica and Edward in Las Vegas in May 2013, months before the restraining order was issued

In 2016, Furlong had yet another run into the law, and once again it was a drug problem.

In general, the further, the worse - so much so that even the drug-addicted brain realized that it was time to start from the bottom.

Now the actor has a period that he calls his second a chance, a second life. He has not used for five years, gradually is being restored. Even got a role in a horror movie (“Forest Hills”) and the opportunity to remember what it is like to work on the set, talking to sober people. He put in his teeth, again. And Monica Keena later 10 years changed anger to mercy.

It's nice to be back on set again and be sober. I go to work and don't feel hungover, it's so unusual. And there I communicate with other sober people, it's cool.

There is even a video about how Furlong's teeth were inserted. Very instructive

The actor shared photos of his smile before and after

And told me that I no longer useand is going to use his second chance properly

In 1991, I was in the spotlight, the role of John Connor came as a surprise and shock to me, from which I, perhaps, never recovered. I was picked up out of nowhere, quick audition and hop - I'm already in the film .... Instant success, after which I always I felt like I was fooling everyone. I was afraid that people might find out who I am In fact. When I was younger, few looked after me, I was left to chance. I didn't know how to manage my money. If I were older, I wouldn't make so many bad decisions.

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