Abraham's ice bubbles: a man-made miracle that the public considers a product of a neural network (9 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
23 May 2023

Nature never ceases to amaze with its miracles. But this creation - the fruit of joint labors with man. And although this object is often called on the Web with photoshop, fake and even tricks of artificial intelligence, he is the real thing.

Bubble Lake is called Abraham (Eybraham) and located on the North Saskatchewan River in Canada. It artificial and was created to solve the problems of hydropower.

The name of the reservoir was invented, as they say, by the whole world. There was even a competition. As a result, the authorities decided to name it after local authoritative resident - Silas Abraham, who once lived in the North Saskatchewan valley.

The name Bubble is unofficial. But it is very accurately reflects the essence of this unusual reservoir. Its entire surface is drawn with patterns that form frozen air bubbles.

Although initially it looks mystical, no magic there is no. Patterns form methane bubbles that rise from the bottom towards the already formed ice crust. They freeze on different depths, forming an unusual picture.

Local environmentalists even conducted an experiment that proved that gas is really methane. They melted the ice with hot water and set fire to the wormwood. The outbreak of flame proved that the released gas - methane. It is formed by plants growing at the bottom.

And although Abraham is a favorite place for photographers, taking pictures here is another quest. After all, bewitching illusions coexist with suspicious cracks in the ice. And the dark bottom seems to hide monsters from the worst nightmares.

In addition, the temperature of the thermometer drops in winter in this area. down to -30, and the frost is accompanied by a piercing wind. But for true artists is not a problem. For the sake of pictures, they are ready to suffer, because the view bubbles of different sizes and shapes frozen in azure water, really magical.

In addition to photographers, Avraham is a favorite place for amateurs skaters and fans of kite snowboarding - snowboarding and skiing on ice and snow with a tow kite.

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