16 kind and inspiring stories that help you believe that the world is not as bad as it seems (17 photos)

27 April 2023

Analyzing the most diverse events taking place in the world, we can conclude that society is going down and we will never get out out of this “pit”, but not only bad things happen in the world.

“Seven months after chemo, I have grown enough hair to wear a bandage!”

“6 years ago I couldn’t even leave my house, and now I’m renting a separate apartment and moving out from my parents”

Miss Thailand's dress, made from tin rings, with which she paid homage to her garbage man father and janitor mother

“Alcoholism versus sobriety. Today I celebrate 1000 days without alcohol. Contacting a rehabilitation center and realizing that I need help, saved my life"

The Man Who Couldn't Afford Surgery prostate, gave 2 chickens to a doctor who agreed to give him a free this operation

“I no longer take the alopecia drug due to side effects. I decided that I would be a spotted princess, and I arranges!"

"There's a young autistic gentleman in my neighborhood, who likes to come twice a week and look at my old car. Apparently he only talks when he's around my car"

“After 6 years of living in apartments where no animals are allowed, my wife and I finally moved in and were able to have dog. Meet Gus"

“Today I celebrate two years of getting rid of selfharm after over 20 years of struggle.”

Next month I will start getting tattoos on left hand to hide the remaining scars. To everyone who fights mental illness: you matter, you are amazing, healing Maybe! Don't lose hope!

“My roommate contacts his little sister every week via FaceTime to help her with algebra”

"I'm burning my suicide note because from now on I take life into my own hands"

“Every day, regardless of the weather, on for at least 13 years, this grandfather goes for a walk in our small town and picking up trash"

Baby rescued after 130 hours spent under blockages⁠⁠. It happened during an earthquake that shook Turkey and Syria February 6, 2023

"I have Crohn's disease and two years ago I underwent an extremely risky operation, which, in the opinion of everyone doctor, should have killed me"

I weighed 42 kg, and today I weigh 87. I have come a very long way, and every day I thank life as soon as I wake up.

“Today is my last day of chemotherapy. I am so excited!"

The family thought they had lost everything after the tornado, but when they returned to the rubble of their house, they saw their cat waiting for them there.

<img src=" https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2653/1605_files/0d4b986f4707b4b2692562425fa8262a.jpg"

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