What our world would look like if it was created by non-professional tattoo artists (31 photos)

Category: Tattoo, PEGI 16
25 January 2023

Tattoo Comparisons subreddit collects bad tattoos and witty, but kindly ridicules them, comparing them with the original. So, the image of a lion is compared to a real lion, and the image of Brad Pitt — with the real Pitt. The comparison, as you understand, is not in favor of the tattoo. And this looks tedious!

1. Like alive

2. Freddy

3. Little treasures

4. Money is everything

5. Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World

6 Bob Marley

7. Batman Alf?

8. Chimpanzee... Lion... a hybrid, probably

9. Mom

10. Joe Pesci, what's wrong with your face?

11. Pin-up girl

12. From a change in places, faces practically do not change

13. Indistinguishable

14. Green Day

15. Minions

16. Joker

17. God of War

18. Seinfeld

19. Megan Fox

20. Test owl turned out

21. Beloved daughter

22. Wolf, just a wolf

23. Draco Malfoy

24. Wensdy Addams

25. Family portrait

26. Miley Cyrus

27. Elvis Presley

28. Hulk Hogan

29. Brad Pitt

30. Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles!

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