Holographic ring Carvilio: a unique artifact of Ancient Rome (3 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
19 April 2023

An unusual artifact found by archaeologists in an unlooted Roman tomb in 2001. His presence in the tomb indicates that the people buried in it were very wealthy.

This is evidenced by a pair of expensive sarcophagi from Greek marble. According to the inscriptions on them, it is known that there were buried mother and son.

The mother was Ebutia Quarta, a matron of about forty years old, and son - Karvily Gemell, 18 years and 3 months old. Moreover, Karvili was the son of Ebutia from his first marriage.

Archaeologists were very lucky, the tomb was not only intact, but also preserved in very good condition. in sarcophagi even the remains of flower garlands consisting of roses, violets and lilies. Traces of turpentine and myrtle were also found, and in the construction sarcophagi - drainage holes for moisture removal.

The experts were able to establish that Ebutia was a woman from a noble wealthy family.

Her father, according to some sources, was the ruler of Africa. She has had two sons by different husbands, and one of them, namely Carvilius Gemellus, son from her first marriage, died at the age of 18, when she herself was still alive, as the inscriptions on the sarcophagus say.

In memory of her son, she ordered a unique ring from the jeweler, which he made of gold and rock crystal. The ring itself and the face son are made of gold, and the image on top is covered with transparent mountain crystal. Glowing crystal lens effect gives the image dead mysterious depth. Image borders are blurred and are lost in the shadows. A kind of holographic, 3D effect is created, and it seems as if a living person is looking at you from the depths of the ring. Result really impressive.

Today, an amazing ring with a holographic effect can be see in one of the museums near Rome, namely the National Archaeological Museum of Preneste (Museo Nazionale Prenestino), which located in the city of Palestrina, 40 km from Rome.

It is worth noting that this ring is from the tomb of a noble man. - just a tiny example, indicating a high development human civilization of the ancient world.

We can only guess how much is still hidden from our eye. Perhaps there are ancient technologies that can testify that our distant ancestors did not lag behind us today's, and somewhere, probably, even surpassed. It must be remembered that The truth, as always, is out there somewhere.

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