Why is there no caries in South Korea? (12 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
13 April 2023

I don't think it's worth delving too deeply into the subject of appearance of the inhabitants of South Korea. We all know how scrupulous they are relate to their appearance and, accordingly, health.

If you look tired and shabby, then they they will certainly tell you about it, but not in order to offend, but solely to help.

For Koreans - smooth clean skin, a toned figure and white teeth are the main signs that a person is healthy and prosperous. That is why they fanatically monitor oral hygiene and try to brush your teeth after every meal.

Such an initiative is not purely individual - the habit of brushing your teeth after eating is a national tradition that came to modern Korea from antiquity. In Korean society, there is concept as "5 types of happiness" (행복). So, good, beautiful and, Most importantly, healthy teeth are just included in these same 5 types of happiness.

Koreans even have this saying: "If you never your ears and teeth didn’t hurt, you can never imagine how it is hurts." Therefore, Koreans from early childhood are accustomed to to not only brush your teeth regularly, but in general to carefully monitor for their health.

Also, do not forget that the cuisine of South Korea is different. high content of all kinds of spices and spices, which is why many Europeans consider it too sharp. In particular, a favorite ingredient Korean menu is red pepper: sliced or ground - doesn't matter! Hot red pepper is found in almost every dish, and his company is often made up of garlic, ginger and onions - green and onion.

It is not surprising that after such a dish you want to quickly brush your teeth, and it's not just the unpleasant aftertaste. multicolored vegetables and herbs literally cover the teeth like garlands on Christmas tree, and you can get rid of such a colorful decoration just by brushing your teeth.

In addition, spices and spices, in contact with the mucous membrane, give a very specific smell, and if measures are not taken in time, mouth, frankly, will frankly stink. And this self-respecting Koreans can't afford it. Bad breath is not only humiliate himself, but also offend others. That is why the Koreans brush your teeth vigorously at every meal.

And in this, I must say, the state helps them a lot. funny? Only in part, because not only does every Korean have there is always a toothbrush, in most public places and toilets office rooms you can find a disposable device for brushing teeth. Europeans, noting the Koreans' obsession with brushing their teeth, joke: "In the women's You can find everything in your handbag. And in the purse of a Korean woman you can find anything and... a toothbrush! "

But, you know, laughter is laughter, and the Korean tradition of brushing your teeth after every meal there is another good reason. The thing is, that in South Korea the services of dentists cost some fabulous money.

No, seriously, even the simplest manipulation, like, installing a small filling on a tooth or caries treatment will cost ordinary Korean 150-200 dollars! What can we say about complex operations, like, implantation...

This is why Koreans prefer to spend a lot of time for simple prevention, so as not to spend a lot of money on treatment later. Good old economy, nothing more...

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