The Singing Cave of Fingal. What an amazing place (6 photos)

9 April 2023

There is an amazing place in Scotland known as "singing cave" and representing a set of long thin stone columns, creating a cave within themselves. The place is unique because has a unique structure inherent in mystical landscapes Great Britain.

Why is the cave called "singing" and what legends does it contain hides? What works of art were created under the influence of inspiration from her and much more - in this article.

origin of name

Fingal's Singing Cave is located in Scotland, on a small the islet of Staffa. The cave got its name in honor of the giant Fingal - legendary hero of Celtic myths. According to one story, the giant Fingal built a causeway between Ireland and Scotland to connect the two states.

One day when Fingal lay down to rest, the enemy was another giant, took advantage of this and crept up to the sleeping giant. Wife Fingala, realizing something was wrong, lied to the enemy that under the blanket lies their child. The giant was frightened: since their child is so huge, then what would a father be like? And he rushed to run as fast as he could, demolishing everything on his own way. Staffa Island is the only place left after that escape.

A singing, or Uam-Binn, which translates as "Cave melodies", the cave is called because of the excellent acoustics that echo in domed roof of the cave. The sounds of the surf of the sea and the singing of birds penetrate the cave and respond with a symphonic echo, which creates the effect of a melody created by nature itself.

History of the cave

The island was discovered in the 18th century by an English traveler. Joseph Banks, who was struck by the picturesqueness of this place, comparing high basalt pillars of a cave with columns in the Louvre. When Joseph told the others about this breathtaking landscape, the island became connoisseurs of nature come from all over the world, including the queen herself Victoria, Jules Verne, Robert Louis Stevenson, Walter Scott, and others famous personalities.

Naturalist artist Joseph Turner, inspired by fairy tales views of Fingal, painted in 1832 a picture with a view of the caves, and the composer Mendelssohn Bartholdy composed a whole overture entitled "Fingalov cave". That is why we can assume that Fingal's cave has some kind of magic that gives ideas to creative people and leaves a mark on soul, forcing you to create and feel inspiration bordering on appeasement.

Also, being in Fingal's cave, you can see the island called Aion, where ancient Scottish people were buried kings, including the Scottish king Macbeth, who plays the role of the main character in Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.

When is the best time to visit Fingal's Cave?

The most picturesque time of the year, which can completely to reveal the miraculousness of Fingal's cave - spring. Because during this period year, the gray and bare tops of the reefs begin to bloom and turn green. The variety of marine flora off the coast takes on vivid colors from fresh green to deep aqua. Landscapes around begin resemble a fairy tale, at this moment the inspiration of those creators whose works had a revival in this place.

Another feature of spring is that sea water evaporates and comes in thick fog to all corners of the cave, which adds mystery and mysticism in an already bewitching cave.

How to get there?

Many tourists aiming to visit the island of Staffa and Fingal's Cave, book a full-day excursion for themselves, which is already includes a transfer, as well as viewing the other two islands - Iona and Mull. Such a ticket can be bought at a travel agency, it will cost 60 pounds (5.9 thousand rubles). For those wishing to get to Staffa Island on your own, there is also a way out - to buy tickets for the ferry that goes from the city of Oban.

Is it possible to get inside the cave?

It is possible to enter the cave, but only if you are not afraid height. But despite the fear, clinging tightly to the handrails, it is possible to overcome the path through the path over the water. Because on the boat it will not be possible to get into the cave because of the narrow passage - you can get there only on your own. And if you climb the stairs to the very top of the island, an incredible view of the surrounding landscape will open - it's worth it.

Features of the climate on the island

Scotland as a whole is a country that cannot boast warm and pleasant weather. Days of the year are mostly cloudy. ocean wind creates high humidity. It is worth considering this when trip, especially to the island, where the cave is located, which completely surrounded by water. Therefore, a tourist must have warm clothes, raincoats, rubber boots, and also take care of protection their equipment with waterproof covers.

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