15 original stops where waiting for the bus will turn into a real pleasure (16 photos)

31 October 2022

I suggest you take a look at the most interesting bus stops from different parts of the world.

Public transport stops are usually quite an unremarkable part of the city's infrastructure. They have become something mundane, to which no one pays much attention.

However, designers in some countries decided to move away from this boring everyday life. They designed and built real oases that can be considered cool art objects, not just places to wait transport. Some projects can be called simply beautiful and unusual, others can also claim the title of practical.

Japanese Nagasaki is full of cute fruit, vegetable and berry stops

These steep stops were installed back in 1990. They are still used by the inhabitants of the city.

Modern bus stop in Sweden

Umeå city administration decided to take care of its residents and build a stop that would allow you to wait for the bus with comfort, despite the harsh cold. Inside are special mobile capsules that allow you to comfortably hide from wind and rain. O the approaching bus will notify the sound signal.

Austria holds the record for the number of atypical stops

Architects from seven countries have designed interesting bus stops in a small Austrian valley

Cool stop in South Korea

Tiny stop in Dubai

Bus stop "Ventura" by sculptor Denis Oppenheim, California

The Amazing Whale Jaw in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

Bus stop with built-in scales in the Netherlands

Such an interesting facility was built by a local fitness center. People waiting for the bus could find out their weight and, if desired, use the services of the hall.

In America, they put a stop in the form of a large grill

Rest corner, not a bus stop

This paradise is in Singapore. There's a swing here, a bookstore nook, phone charging ports and a panel showing the way bus following.

Quirky stop located in Baltimore, USA

London stop upgrade by IKEA

Futuristic stop in Curitiba, Brazil

Such unusual stops can be found almost throughout the city. They make great photos inside.

Bonus: Free coffee shop from the bus stop

George Barratt-Jones is a friendly student from the Netherlands, who decided to open a coffee shop right at the bus stop and make morning travel people more joyful. George served for free hot coffee, tea and homemade cookies. And to cheer up included cheerful music.

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