Flanders - giants among rabbits (12 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Animals
16 November 2022

Flemish giant rabbits (or Flemish giant) - the largest rabbits in the world. Let's learn some facts and look at these giants!

Flanders are famous giants in the world of rabbits. The weight of these giants can reach more than 10 kilograms, and body length - on average 70 cm. Initially, the breed was bred in the Belgian region of Flanders, where did its name come from. These rabbits were mainly bred for meat and wool, but over time the breed became an exhibition breed, and rabbits also began to start as home. They make great pets. animals are extremely obedient and active creatures.

The breed is quite old - they appeared before the 16th century. She doesn't attracted a lot of international attention until about 1910, after which increasingly began to appear at exhibitions. Standards breed, a well-developed Flemish giant has a large head, long erect ears, a long and powerful body, as well as a tall, dense, thick fur.

Due to its large size, the “king of rabbits” is quite demanding - he needs a lot of space to live, and more food than other domestic breeds rabbits. In the family of these rabbits there is a champion in size - this Flanders, which weighs 22 kg and has a body length of 1.3 meters.

Take a look at these giants:

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