In Dzerzhinsk, a fisherman on the ice escaped from the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who were trying to save him

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
5 April 2023

The man only had to wave his hand and wish all the best, as in the famous film.

Another fan of winter fishing in the spring and a contender for the Darwin Award part-time decided not to interfere with natural selection and fled from rescuers who wanted to get him out of a dangerous place. The fisherman seized the tackle as if scalded and ran across the ice when he saw the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in wetsuits. Nature this time spared him. He was able to cross to the other side and disappeared from sight. Of course, no one began to catch up with him.

It is reported that rescuers were called by passers-by. They called the Ministry of Emergency Situations and reported that not far from the Okskaya embankment in the middle of the river, on thin ice, there was a fearless fisherman who had to be pulled out before it was too late. The rescuers did what they could. But as we know, adherents of winter fishing (especially at the end of winter and spring) are extremely stubborn people. And until they begin to sink or they are not carried away on an ice floe, they will never admit that they did something wrong.

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