Storm Hogan is a hot 19-year-old cowgirl from Australia (7 photos)

Charming young farm worker managed to win thousands fans, talking on social media about his daily life.

Storm Hogan rides, trains and rides horses in rural South Australia, documenting it everything and his daily life in the village, often in cowboy boots and bikini.

The self-proclaimed "bikini cowgirl" attracted thousands of followers from Australia and around the world, who really fascinated by her stunning appearance and "clean" Australian accent.

However, Storm's recent newfound fame has led to that she began to receive malicious comments from cruel trolls, that forced the beauty to strike back.

Storm revealed that she is a "barrel racer and horse rider". track”, dividing her time between the farm and attending races.

Recently, a young girl shared a video in which she dancing in the paddock sipping his favorite beer in a black bathing suit, This video was able to gain more than 135 thousand views.

Nearly all of her videos have gone viral, including one in which details what she does on a daily basis. IN In another video, the Australian told that Victoria Bitter Gold - her favorite drink.

The videos drew a flurry of comments from enthusiastic fans, one of whom called Storm "a real beauty."

“This is not magic, this is 100% Australian beauty,” one viewer wrote.

"As an Australian, I'm nominating you for the Most Australian Australian of all Australians,” joked the second.

"Why can't I find myself such a girl? Probably, now I will be lonely for a long time, ”said another.

The attention prompted Storm, who has her own custom T-shirt business, to "introduce herself."

"I'm Storm, yes, that's my real name. I'm 19, turning 20 in July, and yes, I'm from Australia," she said.

“I am a barrel racer and track rider, I also coach and I ride horses, and I'm from Victoria, from where I moved to South Australia.

Storm recently had to respond to a cruel troll, who made a rude comment about her, saying that she looked "only partly natural."

"You don't know what people went through that day, it could have been something that nearly drove them crazy," she replied.

“So if you have nothing to say, just shut your mouth. You're a coward hiding behind a screen, don't you think so?"

It should be noted, however, that this comment is not in the least embarrassed, and she continued to post videos from her life, which are so loved by a large number of her fans.

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